Toilet training: how to actually get them to go?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training: how to actually get them to go?

Hello fellow IM’s and ID’s.
So I’ve been trying to toilet train my son (2yr9mth) for the past few months. (He previously just kicked and screamed when I’d try to get him to sit on the potty/toilet.)

Anyway I’ve managed to get him to the point where he is happy to sit on the toilet several times per day but won’t actually doing anything. Even if I know he needs to go, he just sits on the seat for a while then gets off and wants a nappy. He won’t stay in a dirty nappy and wants it changed straight away.

I’m literally out of ideas, (I’ve tried rewards, trickling water, showing him what to do) even emptying his nappy into the toilet so he associates to 2.
We’ve even been doing nappy free time and putting him on the toilet every 15 minutes. I really want to get him toilet trained before starting daycare, I feel terrible for not having him trained sooner so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

TIA xx

Edit: thank you for everyone’s responses. He actually went all by himself a few hours after posting this!!

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, Potty Training

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don't feel bad, two out of three of my children weren't TT'd until they were 3 and 3.5.
Just keep doing what you're doing and eventually something will happen, it's honestly like they just click one day and then they get it!

I did find nappies and pull ups hindered the process though, try switching to undies during the day. He'll have accidents but I found that accidents helped my kids learn and listen to the signals their bodies were giving - they soon learnt that weeing all over themselves wasn't much fun so it was easier to go in the potty (they don't get that sensation if they're wearing nappies etc). Lots of praise and reassurance too!

Anon Imperfect Mum

It sounds like he isnt ready yet which is perfectly normal and quite common. When he is ready he will show a real interest in going. Other than that i have heard putting a pingpong ball in the bottom of the toilet and getting him and telling him to aim at the ball. Good luck toilet training is hard work so do not feel bad at all.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It sounds like he just isn't ready yet, and that's okay! He is still very young.

Does he know when he needs to go? Like will he tell you he is about to go in the nappy? Or as soon as he has gone does he tell you immediately? It's fine putting him on the toilet every 15 minutes but it's not achieving anything in his case so he's just sitting there with nothing happening.

I feel rewards this early on are probably not necessary - if he is wetting himself once actually trained then it would be a better incentive. Maybe instead of rewards for going on the toilet, change it to rewards for letting you know he was about to go in his nappy :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Dont worry about poos. Start with wees. Party when he goes and you could make a little prize box or give a sticker or jelly bean or chocolate button for every wee in the toilet. Something small because there will be lots.
Poos will come later.
If hes not getting it then hes too young. He will get it when hes ready without you doing anything except running there when he says its going to happen. And daycare are great at doing this as part of the service. They will also be a big help and have lots of information for you.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Just wait

Anon Imperfect Mum

He's still very little. Let it go for now and reassess when he turns 3. My daughter basically self-trained a few months after turning 3 - watching buddies of hers at daycare use the toilet helped.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don’t think he is ready.

My son is 4 in May and similar to your son but I don’t push it. I think once they start daycare, it’s a good time for them to see another child or few going to the toilet and then they might decide to do it.

I’m not concerned with my almost 4 year old because I know he knows and can recognise when he needs to poo or wee, he just isn’t ready for the whole concept. He is too busy doing everything else
