Taking Child out of Prep and back to Kinder

Anon Imperfect Mum

Taking Child out of Prep and back to Kinder

Our son started Prep this year
aged 4, turned 5 early at the beginning of February. Melbourne based.
Given his birth month, it was always a concern on when to start school. I was torn. His Kinder, family, friends, all said he is overly ready, but I’ve always been doubtful! Only in his emotional, social well being.
He’s always been a loving, funny, spirited kid, but super sensitive and a big kid. Tall and strong, often thought to be 6 instead of 4.
Kinder, friends, family, all said he’s ready. So we did it. Reluctantly on my part.
First week was awesome but has progressively gone down hill. Daily escalation of anxiety, screaming, tantrums, crying/sobbing, fighting, melt downs constantly.
He had always been strong willed, sometimes difficult. But this?!....is not the same kid.
So..I’m seriously considering him going back to Kinder. Husband vehenemently disagrees. Says it will damage him. Hubby says ‘he’s at school with most neighbours, best friends, his brother & sister’
So now I’m scared that if I take him out of school and go back to Kinder, I’m going to psychologically fuck him up. Will he feel shamed? not good enough? weak?
Then if I leave him in Prep, will he feel bullied, anxious, pressured, scared?
Seriously need advice.
Please help!

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Education, Kids

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Ask him what he would like to do? The kids usually get use to it all and start to thrive in year 1. I personally wouldn't take him out, get him to do extra stuff at home with sight words and reading alot! Might also be worth seeing a child psychologist to get some copping strategies for u both to work with.

Anon Imperfect Mum

You know kinder wont mess him up. You know prep is messing him up. Personally i don't know how these people can swear a four year old is ready prep is just not a suitable place for a four year old.
Give him anothrr year of play and watch him nail prep next year.
You cant force a kid through anxiety all it does is makes it worse.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I find the schooling system in other states so confusing, theres a potential for such big age gaps, doesn't that cause issues in its self?
I'm in Tasmania, here kids start 3 day a week kinder (part of primary school) the year they turn 5, they then go on to prep the next year when they're turning 6. None of my kids would have been ready for prep at 4/5.
It is early days, maybe he's just struggling to adjust. Has his teacher offered any advice or helped with a solution? I think you need to weigh up the pros and cons, what's going to be best for him in the long run.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd say pull him out and back to 4yo kinder.

Most Preppies are 5 turning 6. It's a big gap and evidence suggests that boys mature more slowly than girls, meaning there's more reason to suspect that if he's behind now, he'll stay behind.

Have a meeting and talk to his teacher, see what s/he thinks, as they may be able to offer some more perspective. If you do pull him, see if there's a different kinder program available, as he may respond better if he goes somewhere new.

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's not really a big deal if you do. But FYI... By mid year most kids that were behind socially have caught up with the other kids if there isn't another underlying issue

Anon Imperfect Mum

Are you a teacher? I’m really curious to know where you got that statement from, is it based on just your own kids? Coz I strongly disagree with it.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Granted it was a long time ago now and not sure if they still do it but my son wasn't settling in well in his first year so he did a few months of managed attendance. Basically started off a few hours and slowly but steadily built it up to full attendance.
