Over the last 3 weeks I have notice that my 5 year old is the most entitled, selfish little kid I’ve ever met. Nothing is ever good enough for him! I try and do special things with him and he will throw a tantrum in the middle of it all over something ridiculous, he just complains and complains. We went to the shops yesterday and I bought him and his brothers a bit of a school holidays treat then today the rude little kid just comes to me and complains that his baby brothers treat was better than his, even though they got to choose their own. I just don’t know how to get him to understand that he’s not entitled to everything he wants and I know yes probably all my fault because of how I’ve raised him and it’s certainly come back to bite me in the ass. I’m so embarrassed by his disgusting behaviour at the moment that I don’t want to have him around me.
How to teach my child he’s not entitled to everything he wants
How to teach my child he’s not entitled to everything he wants
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids
7 Replies
Honestly I really believe that boys must go through a spike in testosterone at this age. My son is the same age and it has been a rough few months. Sorry I'm not much help but you are not alone and it certainly is a challenge.
Ur right...We have been told boys have a surge of testosterone every 4 years
It is a pretty typical phase for that age, they want what they want when they want it - sometimes they don't even know what they want lol!
Try introducing him to the concept of earning things and the monetary value of items.
Teach him about how others are less fortunate than he is.
Let him know what you expect of him before you go somewhere, for example "We're going into Kmart to get pants, we're not here for toys. If you misbehave I will take you to the car for time out” (or your preferred punishment).
Don't give into the tantrums, it just reinforces that it's the way you go about getting your way, even if it means you have to drag him kicking and screaming from the shop.
When my kids have complained about how boring their toy's are, I confiscate them. I only have to threaten it now and they stop in their tracks.
Make sure he hasn't got too much stuff, it's hard for little kids to appreciate the things they have if they're overwhelmed with stuff.
Have a bit of a cull to donate and involve him in the process, it ties in with teaching him about the less fortunate.
Stop giving him things and he will be more appreciative. Mine can be abit like this sometimes!
My son is 8 and he complains just to complain drives me F***ing nuts and it’s always his little brothers fault. If I say no to something he screams , runs off crying , carries on like a pork chop every time “ you never take me anywhere , you don’t let me do anything” the list goes on. The thing that annoys me is he is a perfect angel at school & friends houses, they can’t believe how well mannered and well behaved he is??? As my mum says thou better to be a little arse at home then in front of other people.
My son is exactly the same! Awesome for everyone else and an ungrateful shit at home! And we are SO strict and never give in to his tantrums/demands so I’m not sure why he does it. My 5 year old is nothing like this 😆
I think it's totally typical, however it also needs addressing.
I'd handle it a few ways.
1. Make him do a clean out of last seasons toys and pick only 2 he wants to keep (unless there's sentimental ones) and take him to donate them. Get him to hand them over to the op-shop or drop them into the charity bin. Teach him about the less fortunate and giving.
2. Chores without monetary rewards or any reward for that matter. Teaching that we do things just because.
When he's completed the above THEN reward him but don't say it's because of the above. Maybe just about how he has really grown up and you're proud of who he is becoming.