Want to be a supportive friend

Anon Imperfect Mum

Want to be a supportive friend

I just found out I'm pregnant and so did my best friend. However she's found out she is either miscarrying or may have other issues which has caused the positive tests. Im so sad for her cause she was so excited and so was I. She really wanted another baby. I'm not sure what to do or say and I feel so guilty mentioning anything about my pregnancy but she's also my best friend and the person I want to tell most. I obviously don't want to hurt her feelings or upset her tho... So I should avoid the subject right? Iv never been through this so not sure how I would feel if tables where turned.. I would still be happy for my friend but I don't know..
Iv brought her a care package with some goodies in it to cheer her up and that's being delivered as we don't live close. But I guess what I'm asking is Anyone who's been through this have helpful advice on what I should say or do to help?
I'm devastated for her. She's like a sister to me. I just want to be a good supportive friend. Thanks mums.

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief, Pregnancy

2 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I think you should give it a month or so then tell her how guilty/sad you are feeling about talking about your pregnancy with her and you completely understand if she doesn't want to hear about your pregnancy. This will put the ball in her court so to speak and hopefully get rid of any awkwardness between you. 10 years ago I was in a similar situation only I was the one that lost. I was still excited for my friend as she got further along and would have been upset if she felt she had to hide her excitement from me. Occasionally as he grew older and reached milestones it would make me think of it, but I never felt as though it was unfair. It's just life.

Anon Imperfect Mum

So she knows you’re pregnant?
If so, I’d probably just give as much support about hers as possible, and if she asks about yours, to talk about it. But obviously don’t go overboard with sharing.
If she doesn’t know you are pregnant, I think she’d like to know at least. You can explain that you don’t want to hurt her but you don’t want to lie to her and that you don’t know how to approach it. That you don’t need to talk to her about it but didn’t want to keep it from her.
