I am 16 weeks pregnant and just had my antenatal check.My doctor made a comment that size wise,I measure around 20 weeks.I am sure of my dates.She done a quick mini ultrasound on this computer looking thing she has in her office and she seen a round lump that she seems to think is a fibroid.There was no lump or anything at my 12 week ultrasound.Im not too worried at this point as my dr didn’t seem to be even though this lump has come out of no where all of a sudden and seemingly quick growing.
Has anyone had uterine fibroids either before pregnancy or discovered during and what affect,if any,did it have on the pregnancy and birth.
Thankyou :)
Pregnant with possible uterine fibroid
Pregnant with possible uterine fibroid
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2 Replies
They're actually quite common during pregnancy, I believe something like 1/10 women experience them.
Generally, they're not cancerous and shouldn't affect pregnancy unless they're seriously bleeding :) I know we were told to prepare for premature labour (didn't happen, went full term) and potentially baby wouldn't be comfortable in head-down engaged position but again, didn't happen.
Good luck!
I had one that was noticed at my dating scan at 5 weeks and by 12 weeks it had tripled in size! It's the hormones apparently that makes them grow so quick. You are likely to have already had it but it was too small to pick up at your first scan. I never had any trouble or pain with mine and would not have even known it was there if it weren't for the scans. Your Dr will probably keep it monitored to make sure it does not get too big.