My nephew is the class bully!! HELP!!

Anon Imperfect Mum

My nephew is the class bully!! HELP!!

I need help with my nephew. He’s 7 in December and is very violent.
He has hit my sister several times (punching her in the stomach, raising his fist at her when he doesn’t get his way)
She has literally tried everything! Psychologists, paediatricians, even 2 visits to the police station and spending time in the watch house with an officer to scare him.
Despite everything, he continues to be violent. Today getting suspended for punching a little girl in the mouth.
He apologises for what he’s done, seems remorseful at the time but will do it again a few weeks later. He doesn’t learn!
My sister has also done the PPP program. Psychologists and paeds all say nothing is wrong with him (she’d had several 2nd opinions)
Today is the last straw. My sister is becoming emotionally drained, exhausted and depressed.
We are looking for some kind of boarding school/army training that might be able to pull him inline? Has anyone got any ideas ??
My nephew has not been bought up around any violence what so ever. We have no idea where this has come from! We need help! He’s an absolute bully. Even my 7yo son doesn’t want to spend time with him anymore becuase he’s cruel with his words too he constantly argues with EVERYONE!! Please help!

Posted in:  Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Health & Wellbeing, Education, Behaviour, Kids

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Does he do any co-curricular activities?

Consider enrolling him into Karate or some sort of boxing where you don't verse opponents. Ask the teacher of said activity to re-iterate that he cannot use force out of classes. Have a punching bag at home. When foul, send him straight to it.

It's okay to be upset or frustrated but he needs to learn to manage it :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

Does he have any positive male role models to look up to.
Just by the way you've written this, I get the impression his Dad isn't in the picture or at least not heavily involved and that he doesn't have much male influence in his life.

Is there any uncles, grandfather's, family members that would be willing to spend some one on one time with him, even one if those 'adopt a dad' programs. I think it would really benefit him to interact with an older male, someone he can respect and hopefully emulate.
Joeys or scouts may be a good option for him too!

He may not have a diagnosable issue but I think it sounds like he definitely has trouble regulating and managing his emotions, your sister should look into some occupational therapy and really persist with it.
Is he and your sister getting enough support from his school?
Is he struggling accedemically, perhaps being bullied himself?

I would keep looking for answers though, because this isn't typical behavior of a 7 year old that has absolutely nothing going on (according to doctors).

Anon Imperfect Mum

Sorry but no psychologidt would say theres nothing wrong with him and send him on their way. He may have no diagnosis, but they can definitely help with the issues. Perhaps a parenting course was the first recommendation, but as its ongoing, your sister needs to go back.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She may already be doing it but document everything he is doing. Ask school to do it too and present it to the next psych with details of whats been tried previously and the outcomes.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Has ur sister thought about getting him tested for adhd cause it sounds like he could have it

Anon Imperfect Mum

Referral to a developmental paediatrician. This family is in crisis and require urgent attention. Don’t stop until help is provided. Kids are not bad or naughty. If this goes on unchecked this poor child will have the stigma of the bully/naughty label.

Have her look into the Nurtured Heart Approach while waiting on specialist appts
