Hi parents.
For those of you with children in PUBLIC government schools in Australia (primary or high school), I have some questions regarding you kids uniforms and I'd be very interested to hear your opinions:
Does your school have a uniform policy?
*Do you feel this policy is excessively strict or over the top? A reasonable happy medium? Too relaxed?*
Is the policy enforced? Does the enforcement of said policy interrupt from learning time and are students punished for not complying?
Do you find the uniform affordable? Do you find items fairly priced for the amount of use they get and/or their durability?
Are generic department store bought uniforms allowed or available (eg. Plain yellow polo tops as opposed to the specific school logo type)?
Do your children find their uniforms comfortable?
I'm considering applying for the voluntary position of uniform coordinator at our school - hence my interest in your experiences!
Please feel free to add anything else you like/dislike or think may be relevant about your uniforms!
Thank you all.
9 Replies
I have strong views on this. We currently live in SA. The 5 schools we have been involved with have had relaxed attitudes to inform. There was a colour code, but up to the child wether they wear track pants, skirts, dresses, shorts jumpers etc. as long as they are in school colours. It makes it really easy and affordable. The kids can wear clothes that are appropriate to play and for the weather etc.
We lived in NSW for a while and quite frankly I found the school uniform policy ridiculous! Girls had to wear dresses unless it was the designated ‘sport’ day, and the kids looked like they were going off to private school in there uniforms. They were uncomfortable and not play clothes. Uniform was strictly policed so if it was a freezing day in the middle of summer, the kids had to wear summer uniform. Same as if it was winter they couldn’t wear summer clothes even if it was hot. The cost of blazers and old fashioned hats was ludicrous. You had no option to go to a different school because of zoning being strictly adhered to in the area.
We were much happier and more comfortable in the more relaxed, uniform. And at least the kids could play at lunch and recess.
I find public school uniforms expensive. My daughters private school ($3000+ a year from prep) has cheaper uniforms than the public school she used to go to. I am aware it is not expensive for a private school but you'd still think the public school ones would be cheaper. I found the public school didn't strongly enforce uniforms. The issue I had was when the kids would go on outings and you couldn't tell who was from what school O.O which is a bit of a safety issue.
Our school has a dress code that is strongly encouraged, but my grade 1 child wasn't in trouble the other day when his jumper went missing at school the day before so I sent him in a non uniform jumper because it was cold. Yes it is expensive but I don't really care about that. The education is free so you can't complain
My local high school (the one I went to) has a uniform and dress code. Ie girls and boys have the same colour shirts/shorts/pants and we have a school skirt. With the shorts they have to be finger tip length or longer and this goes for both sexes. Skirts are the same. Girls used to walk around in skirts that barely covered their bums when I was at school, now apparently they also want to do it with their shorts I don't believe that that's ok at all and will be encouraging my children to follow rules etc. I don't believe it's too strict at all and I think the kids all look good in their matching uniforms.
I love our school uniform and policy. Its expensive as they all are but its good quality and feels nice to wear and lasts.
They are not flexible with cheap nonbrand items but I dont think they enforce it as their overall concern is for kids to be there.
My child has a generic hat and thats fine.
From my experience the level of conformity and flexibility to the official uniform depends on the socio-econonic demographic for each school. So bear that in mind, if its a low income area then you have to be more flexible as the kids and parents have bigger things to worry about.
My sons primary are pretty relaxed but I remember getting detention in high school for not having a logo on my top 😂 funnily enough at that school I could have been expelled for being out of uniform too many times as they had a point system. I wish schools got with the times and stopped being sexist. If girls can wear the whole uniform so should boys be allowed to wear skirts and dresses. Also find issue with quality of shirts. Polo school shirts pucker easily and stains are hard to budge. So quality control is a must with parents if you want them to buy from the school otherwise they will go elsewhere to buy. Also be careful shirts are not partly see through. Not great for girls starting to blossem when they don't realise. Also need of warmer school jackets like an insulted parker. I remember freezing at school so I send an thicker jacket with my son.
My kids have been to a public school that was very relaxed with uniforms, they had a high unattendance rate so they were concentrating on that and couldn't really send kids home for being out of uniform if it was the first time they had shown up in 2 weeks so they picked their battles. They always had cheap/free second hand uniforms on offer though and the colour was a very basic blue polo shirt and shorts that you can buy anywhere.
They have also been to another public school that was very strict, even down to hair ties and shoes which I struggled with. Their uniform was basic as in polo shirt and shorts/skorts but it was a very difficult colour to find you could only buy it locally from the school itself for $30 a pop so I'm sure that was intentional. They did sell second hand stuff but it was all $5-$10 each.
I think uniforms are important but they also need to be easily accessible and affordable to struggling families.
My kids attend public school in QLD and there is a uniform policy and yes it is enforced.
The principal is ok with generic polo shirts if you are financially unable to afford the uniform but would prefer the proper uniform be worn. On days like Anzac Day where the kids represent the school, proper uniform is to be worn. No nail polish, no excessive jewellery etc. No fluro shoes, no high tops. No extreme hair styles. I think it’s good and helps teach them to present properly. I do find the uniforms a little pricey. In winter generic jackets etc are fine also
This is a big issue with me at the moment and I'm currently fighting my school against one certain part of the policy about the school jumper.
Does your school have a uniform policy? Yes
*Do you feel this policy is excessively strict or over the top? Very over the top. You have to purchase items that have their logo on it even if the logo cannot be seen. (Eg winter pants for girls. The logo is at the very back of the pants, right at the waist line. With the shirts and jumpers that are worn you cannot see it. But if you dare buy a pair thats not school issue, you'll be picked up on it.
A reasonable happy medium? Too relaxed? There is NO happy medium. My daughter can't wear wool so she can't wear a school jumper and they refuse to give me another option except a spray jacket which can't be done up during really cold days.
Is the policy enforced? Yes
Does the enforcement of said policy interrupt from learning time and are students punished for not complying? Yes. Students are pulled out of class, marched to the principles office and given a warning. 3 warnings and its a lunchtime detention.
Do you find the uniform affordable? No. Pants $85 (and you need more than one pair) winter skirts $95, summer dresses $125. Bags (and you MUST get their bags) $115. Jumpers $95, Spray jackets $110.
Do you find items fairly priced for the amount of use they get and/or their durability? See above for prices. Dresses generally last 2 years. I've made my daughter wear the winter skirt for almost 4 years now (its getting a bit short for my liking now lol)
Are generic department store bought uniforms allowed or available (eg. Plain yellow polo tops as opposed to the specific school logo type)? No (See 2nd point above)
Do your children find their uniforms comfortable? For the most part yes. Winter uniform, especially with my daughter having to wear the spray jacket all the time, is very bulky.
Other comments from me......I understand a school has to have a uniform policy, however some leniency could be made towards items that are not seen. When I mentioned my daughter can't wear the woollen jumpers, she often compensates but putting a plain white or grey plain long sleeved t-shirt (to keep with school colours) under her shirt or dress. More often than not, she tried her best to keep it hidden so the teachers don't know she's wearing it. But if caught she has to immediately take it off. This is frustrating as she's in Year 11 and can only take 6 days off for the entire year if she's sick. Being cold all the time is not good for her health, so I try and avoid her catching a cold by supporting her wearing these t-shirts under her uniform.