Try to conceive while breast feeding


Try to conceive while breast feeding

Trying to conceive baby #3 but still breastfeeding 7 month old baby #2. I know the olds wives tale of breast feeding being nature’s contraception I’m just wondering. Who stopped breast feeding to fall pregnant? And who tried while breast feeding and managed to fall pregnant quickly? Thanks

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


My sister fell pregnant unexpectedly whilst breast feeding, so definitely doable!


I was told by my doctor that the only way it would act as a contraception is if you feed to a set schedule and do not miss any feeds. If there are any changes it'd throw your cycle off immediately. So I went on the mini pill as a precaution.

I would have a chat to your doctor or gyno regarding it and see what they can say for your circumstances.


I fell pregnant unexpectantly with no 3 while breastfeeding no 2! I wasn’t on any other contraception though but we weren’t trying .
Once bubba is on solids more and more they will reduce breast feeds and that may kick your body back into ovulation :)
If you have a goood breast feeding relationship with your bubba though keep it going ! Enjoy your baby while they are a baby ! They say their main nutrient intake is from their milk until at least 1 so why twice that for no 2 when you don’t really know how long it might take for u to fall pregnant anyway .... just a thought
