Cervidil tape induction?


Cervidil tape induction?

Has anyone been induced using the "tape".what was your experience with baby being induced with this method?
I think it's called cervidil but my doctor just referred to it as tape.
Thank you.

Posted in:  Pregnancy

2 Replies


They used the tape with my second child, I think it was quite good. I’ve never progressed during labour by myself so I still needed the drip, but with the tape it was put in around 11pm and I started getting contractions around 3am and my water broke around 10:30am, baby was born at 7pm

With my third child I had the balloon and it is horrible, I would not recommend that to anyone. I had pain constantly and I wasn’t in labour at all, stretched my cervix but I still needed my waters broken and the drip.


Just check if you can have your support person when you go into labour - some hospitals will not let you have "visitors" outside visitor times if you are in early labour. Early labour if you have been induced can be intense
