2nd child.

Anon Imperfect Mum

2nd child.

So today I hate motherhood! Don’t get me wrong - I love my nearly 1 year old daughter with everything I have, the last few days have just been rough.
I’m a first time mum and I consider my daughter a miracle (I lost 3 babies prior to her).
I’m quite sick at the moment and bub is sick and teething and she is miserable which makes me miserable 😞
I am on my own every 2nd week which is tough sometimes (like now).
I have found motherhood quite tough so far and I am at the point where I would be happy to have my tubes tied (I’m 34). I don’t understand how people can go on to have more children. I know some women are like a fish to water with motherhood but I just feel so far out of my depth 😞 I constantly 2nd guess myself and struggle when I can’t settle my girl, I take that to heart! Mumma can’t settle her own child so she must be a failure.
I know my hubby wants another child but I just really don’t see that in our future. He is a terrific dad when he is home, it’s just that he works away every 2nd week. I do feel like other people expect me to have another baby to.
I don’t even really know what I’m asking. I guess I’m just feeling guilty that I don’t want a 2nd child. I just don’t think I would cope.

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

~ I also feel guilty as my beautiful daughter is not what makes motherhood hard, it’s me! She is a wonderful little girl and is a joy to be around, happy most of the time (when she is not sick) ~

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hun, it’s okay.
Not everyone feels like a “natural” at motherhood. Heck, what the hell is “natural” anyway? Nothing natural about sleep deprivation and five day old hair covered in weetbix.
It does get easier and remember, it’s just a tough time, not a tough life. You’ll get through it.
And stop feeling guilty for not wanting anymore. So many people stop at 1. And there is nothing at all wrong with that. Own your decision.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’m so glad I stopped at one. Kids are exhausting!

Anon Imperfect Mum

It's bloody hard work!! And these ages are full on as there's so much development going on. You're exhausted, unwell and on your own 50% of the time. I completely understand why you'd find it hard to think of having another at this point.

I stopped at one. A combination of money and fragile mental health put paid to the idea of another for me. Do I feel guilty? Sometimes. Was it the right decision for our family? Definitely.

Don't write yours off yet. Your bubba is so little still. Keep the options open but let hubby I know how you feel. He may find alternative employment in the future that doesn't involve him working away. That might help a bit. Good luck and this too shall pass xxx

Anon Imperfect Mum

Oh mumma, I just want to reach through and give you a big hug and let you know you’re not alone in this.

I am a mumma of 3. They are nearly 4, 2 and 1. Boy it’s hell some days. It’s a tough time. But you know what? When I had one, it was hell. Why the hell did I go on to have more?

I never found any of it to come naturally, still don’t. So please stop judging yourself! This gig is hard, there is no right and wrong it’s all about doing the best we can.

I struggled big time with one. I struggled with two. And I struggled with three. In saying that, please don’t judge the fact that because yo I are struggling with one another would be worse. It may be, it may not. But you have to do what’s right for you, and don’t let anybody else change that.

YOU are the one home with bubs most of the time. It’s all fine and dandy for others to comment and make assumptions, but they aren’t the ones there 24/7. Do what’s right for you and your family, not what you feel obliged to do.

Hang in there, it does get easier I promise xx

Anon Imperfect Mum

I’ll tell you an honest answer. Yes it’s hard. Yes the 2nd baby is loved beyond measure. I got to a point when my 1st was 18mths and I reallllly wanted a 2nd. My husband took some convincing but we got there. I don’t REGRET having my next as she fits perfectly BUT if I had my time over, I wouldn’t have her. I wouldn’t have a 2nd. I feel like I did it because it was expected and I thought it would be okay. I’ve suffered greatly from PND and I think it stems from not actually wanting a 2nd child once I was actually pregnant. Don’t do anything for anyone else. Do it only cause you want it too.

In saying all of this, I didn’t want a 2nd until my 1st was 18mths. Before that I couldn’t have imagined another.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I didn’t enjoy being a mother till my son was about four, not a fan of newborn and toddler phase at all!! And yes I am sticking with an only child. Some mums just aren’t maternal and struggle with the demands and sleepless nights more then others.
