Abortion pill vs procedure


Abortion pill vs procedure

I'm having pregnancy symptoms, I need to wait a few more days before I can home test but I'm usually pretty good at reading my body.
I'm not ready to have another child, I struggle with depression and know I am not up to raising a newborn again.
Yes I was using contraceptive, but obviously I am in the 1%
So yes I am contemplating an abortion.
I was wondering if anyone is willing to share their story of either the pill or surgical procedure, what to expect during and after. Or if anyone has any knowledge to share, I dont want to google it.
Thank you in advance

Posted in:  Health & Wellbeing, Pregnancy

7 Replies


You can't say "obviously I'm in the 1%" when you don't even know if you are pregnant.

PMS can easily mimic pregnancy symptoms or a shift in hormones.

You're definitely jumping the gun here.


First, find out if you are actually pregnant. If it's really early it may not test positive with a home kit on the first go.


Depending on what state you are in will determine if you can have the procedure (different states have different cut off times, but early is fine).

How far along you are will also determine what kind of procedure. I'm fairly certain under 6 weeks is the pill, over 6 weeks is a D&C. Beyond the 18 week mark is a more complex procedure.

I have had a D&C, it is straight forward, under anesthetic and no issues - no worse than mild cramps. Allow all day. Procedure itself is not long, but there can be several hours of sitting in offices and waiting rooms.

**Take warm socks, it's cold sitting around in a hospital gown.**


My friend had the pill 8 weeks in Nsw. If you go that way prepare for worst case. And have someone with you and expect a few days needed stock up on pain meds, pads and comfort food and ppl. If you need a dnc also have a support person (to drive u home) it usually only a few hours. Take a book a phone charger and socks or slippers. You will need a few days off work as if you push yourself you can feel sick. Think about some therapy after not because what you have done is wrong but so you can talk through your feeling. Good luck and choose what feels right for you and screw anyone who trys to guilt you. I was also that 1% twice


Ive had both, yes you read that right. For reasons that both my partner and I agreed and to this day do not feel guilty.
First up I had the pill about 6 years ago. First one didn't work, the chemist was kind enough to drive me down more, boy did it work! Very intense period pain but otherwise as good as it could be. Lots of follow up appointments and a scan. On the otherhand a friend had the same and suffered a severe infection and spent xmas morning in hospital 😔
3 years ago I had surgical, it was the most relaxed I felt. You're out for about 20mins, no food or water from very early but was given chocolate later on. A bit drowsy for the trip home but back at work the following day. Please feel free to ask anymore questions, I'm more than happy with my decision. All the best xx


I chose the pill over surgery. I bled but not as badly as I was expecting. The clots wernt nice to see but I just told myself it was a bad period. Even though I'm married I wanted to do it alone and didn't want to rely on someone driving me for surgery. I wanted it to be just a normal day. Heat pack eased cramps.
Good luck. It's not a nice situation but you have to do what's right for you. Hugs


For me i went in had a pill to soften the cervix, they put me under and i was out in about an hour after i had the procedure making sure i was okay etc.. i did not bleed at all after and actually woke up with energy ( must have needed the sleep the drugs put me in) i already had two kids and not in a relationship with the would be father. I thought it would be the end of me before i went in emotionally but i was surprised to be okay in all ways possible even a tad relieved. I was bought up hearing abortions are evil and i will go to hell if i have one but the way i look at it, if god forgives all then why is there a hell to begin with, ( this thought is the reason i am atheist). I do hope you make the best choice for you.


I've had both versions.

Surgery has more restrictions afterwards due to anesthetics. You go to sleep, they D and C you (dilate your cervix and gently scrape your uterus clean). You wake up. Someone drives you home. You sleep for a long time.
You need to take time off to recover.

Pill are more straightforward but you need to be more aware of your body. You take two pills a few hours apart and they encourage your uterus to contract and make you have a heavy, clotty period over a few hours. Stay at home and watch movies but stay near a toilet cos you'll feel as though you're overflowing your pads a few times. The clots are odd to pass but not painful. Don't analyse them too much or you'll mindfuck yourself.
You need to be aware of your body because there is a tiny chance of infection due to not enough being cleared out. So keep an eye on how you feel and check your temperature.

Both scenarios require the use of pads for about two weeks afterwards. Physically, pills recovery was a lot faster.

The one that hurt me emotionally was the one where I didn't have an amazing person by my side. So regardless of which one you choose, please have a friend nearby.
