Who tell the parents of separation

Anon Imperfect Mum

Who tell the parents of separation

Trigger warning

I'm ending it with my 2 year partner. It's been a hard first week. I posted a few days ago about this.
My question is I don't know how to do it? I've told him we are going on a break walking away last weekend crying my heart out. His been so mean to me since day one he was cheating on me with his ex. That went on for 6 months before I found out. I was pregnant and we didn't know. When I found out about the cheating I lost the baby. Went to ultrasound alone and Drs appointments. He said he couldn't get time off wwork which was a lie But stupidly I took him back. From then on all we have done is fight. His called me names I just can't get over like a descrase of a women a using dog when he helped me move house a bitch a slut.
Every morning he checkes the notifications I got on my phone that night messages etc. He always went though my phone taking photos with his phone. I took a photo of my daughter and my dog in bed one morning my phone was on my chest I got my nipple in it. And deleted the photo. He found this in my trash. Took a photo of it and confronted me weeks later. Said I had sent it to someone on Snapchat it was a MASSIVE fight. I asked why he was being like this why he was going so deep though my phone. He told me not to change the subject. I asked him to delete the photo as I don't like photos like that of me on phones hence why I deleted it but he refused and he still has it.. the only good thing is I have photos of him that he sent to his ex during those first 6 months. So if he shows I show.
He told me last week I just need to move on from what he did. That I choose not to which is why we aren't working. Ive tried but I can't.
I know I'm in the domestic violence circle. His always so nice after our fights giving me what I need love kisses flowers.
I feel so traumatized though. I've been waking up at night scared his going to be trying to have sex with me. He puts hims penis in my butt when I'm asleep. He forces my hand on his penis and makes me rub it talking so dirty. I'm wondering now if ive been sexually abused by him. I was always to scared to tell him I know what he does when he thinks I'm asleep cause it wakes me. I would sometimes lye there trying to listen to what he was saying and was mortified when I heard. We would fight my hand too like he would roll me to a position on my back or side where he could make me grab it and I would know, I would lye on my hand and he will pull it slowly towards him. I would pull it back and he would pull it like tug a war. I woke one time when he was about to cum and he didn't seem to happy he had to stop.
Now I wake up thinking it's going to happen at any minute but his not even here. I can't sleep though the night.
I can't do it anymore and he wonders why I don't want to have sex with him when I'm awake. He would always pretend to be asleep when I woke up and would ask what he is doing. I confronted him a few weeks ago and he told me that that's disgusting and low and that he is obviously asleep and his sorry. But his not. It hurt me that he covered for him self.
Now this man is all I have where I am. My family is interstate I have only 1 friend here. His family is all my daughter has. His parents and I are close to some extent. My daughter calls them Grandma and Grandpa. And him dad
She's not 3 yet.
My things are at his house things to expensive and important to leave behind. Laptop sisters PlayStation patch work quilts. He has my house key. I don't have his as after every fight he takes them from me.
I've told my mum everything and a close friend. I have recordings he thinks his deleted from my phone of his verbal abuse towards me. I could black mail him with these if he won't let me have my things back or wants to ruin them like he did to his exs things.
The thing that made me realize was he was going to get petrol a few nights in a row saying he was only putting $10 in.
One night he woke me at 1am for sex. I said let me sleep. He started to message someone thinking I was asleep. I looked and he hid his phone so dam fast. He claims it was a friend. Who is in his most recent people his been calling. But when I asked to see the messages he said I just have to believe him I said I can't cause his lied about cheating before. I checked his phone last week in the morning and the messages were deleted all of them this friend didn't even have a chat going in his phone. If it was just about car parts as he claims why hid it. That hurt me so much but I got in the shits for going through his phone. Then said he deleted them cause he knew it would piss me off and it would be funny. He always liked hurting me would smile when he said something hurtful. Do you think his cheating again? He said I just have to trust him. I just have this earning to know. I want to know.
But who's responsibly is it to tell his parents. Mine or his?
Do I talk to them? I don't really feel comfortable to as if I told his mum she would never sleep again possibly have a heart attack. But she's done so much for me. Took care of my daughter time and time again. She was the best MIL I could ever ask for.
How do I say goodbye?
I've never been one to say goodbyes face to face. I've just never had the courage to.
What should I do? How do I do all this? My daughter is fine I guess she's still young. His kids are going to be crushed which kills me. But in a way one was my daughters bully always hurting her biting punching etc and no consequences either. Always getting away for it. But when my daughter got him back it was poor boy giving him a hug letting him sook rubbing him say awww baby.
I don't know why but I feel sick not ever seeing his family again. Just removing my daughter from them all the cousins when she was such a part of the family. Every one adored her.
I feel like the worst mum now. She's never meet her dad due to DV and now I've left this man she thought was her dad. Is she going to hate me later in life..

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Self Care, Loss & Grief, Parenthood Guilt

7 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Shes going to thank you!!! And shes going to be healthy thanks to you. You are all she needs.
You need to see a psych. They help how you think about all this. Thry will help you through it because when youre feeling weak and thinking its negative to leave him, he'll swoop in and youll go back. You need to stay strong and think smart and its ok to get help to keep you on track.

Anon Imperfect Mum


Anon Imperfect Mum

She'll hate you if you stay. Find what makes you happy and then find a man that respects and encourages that later. And just tell his parents you've broken up. They don't need to know why.

Anon Imperfect Mum

For your daughter’s sake, please don’t go back to him.

Becki Melly

He needs to tell his parents that youse are separating they are his parents not yours let him deal with the backlash from his parents telling him how cruel he has treated you and that he has lost a loving woman...
Leave and don't ever turn back abusers don't change is what I have learnt
You can do this I'm praying for you

Anon Imperfect Mum

If you don’t leave now your daughter will think this is normal and end up in relationships like this.

Just leave. Sell everything and go.
This is how my father behaved and he raped all of us.

Don’t risk yourself or your daughter. You are worth it. You are strong. You do not need a man.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get the fuck out....

Your daughter will thank you for being strong enough to show her what it is to be a strong woman
