Needing support and encouragement

Anon Imperfect Mum

Needing support and encouragement

Hey Sisters/brothers, I need to vent so feel free to scroll on.
This year had been so challenging and I feel like after supporting everyone in my life who I love as they go through their own stuff that I have very little emotional energy left for me. I believe that we teach people how to treat us and I’m really working on navigating a change in how I relate to my spouse. My spouse recently lost a parent and I’m doing all I can to support them. I know their anger and grief isn’t about me but it’s constantly directed at me. I feel like their whipping boy and it’s really getting me down. I’ve noticed that I have a tendency to engage in co-dependent behaviors and I have a hard time not taking on other people’s responsibilities (and I see how I deflect my responsibilities when I get overwhelmed). It’s such a vicious cycle. I’m trying really hard to have and respect more healthy boundaries with my partner but it seems it’s all me give and they take. I don’t know how many times we’ve talked about it. We both see counselors separately and know we need couples counseling. With all that they have going on at work on top of their grief I don’t think the timings right. I feel like I should just suck it up but I don’t know how much more our relationship can take. I’m trying to look for emotional support from friends/family to take the pressure off our relationship but between work/study/kids there’s so little time and I can hear how negative I am when I talk to them, I am tired of being a Debbie downer. I’m starting to withdraw from everyone and just shut down. I know I’m depressed and I’m getting help, I guess it would encourage me to hear other people’s stories of how they stayed sane supporting their partner through loss. Thank you x

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Loss & Grief, Helping others through Grief

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wow I could’ve written this myself, except it’s my partners nan. I’m finding it a hard call as to when to pull him up on his nasty behaviour and when to cut him some slack. So I’m at a loss as to what to do about and my kids and I are stressed with it.
I too have issues asserting my basic boundaries for my needs.
I’m seeing a therapist too. I’ve found there’s certain types of situations that I could prepare my response to communicate my needs and practise it so I’d be better in the moment.
I’ll be following your post to try see how to deal with a partners grief.
