How do you know if you are ready for kids?


How do you know if you are ready for kids?

How do you know if you are ready for kids? I am i my mid 30s and married but suffer mental health issues. The biggest part of me thinks I can’t cope with a child ever but also maybe having someone else to put first might be exactly what I need. If I never have a child I feel like life has no purpose.

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler

5 Replies


I think long term having kids and an extended family is a great thing for mental health. Just take care of yourself and line up your support and know when you need to look for more/different supports as you go.


Bring a child into this world because you want a child. Not to cure or help yourself because having children is tough! Its beautiful, and the love is amazing, and its so rewarding but it is also very hard. Bring a child because you want to shower that child with love mot to have someone fix you.


Try and if its meant to be it will happen


Having children was the hardest thing I have ever done - mentally I really struggled in the first year. I am not really a “natural mother.” I don’t really like children (but I love my own), and I really missed my career. I lost my identity and it’s taken me years to feel happy again. I’ve never suffered from depression or other mental health issues but kids are a 24/7 challenge that pushed my limits. My best friend on the other hand, had terrible anxiety and depression and when her baby was born she became the most relaxed, glowing mum. She felt like she had found her calling in life. Not sure if that’s helpful but just shows it’s a very individual thing.


You will go through every emotion possible a million times over and to the extreme.
It will test you mentally, physically, and mentally again.
It is the most difficult journey I have ever been through...

But I wouldn't change it for the world.

I too have suffered from my mental health for a very long time. Including suicidal thoughts.
My last suicidal thought was during the "baby blues"...
"I should just end it, but what about bubs, I can't leave him, and I can't hurt him to take him with me, ah well. It looks like I'm staying"

At that was it... I still have down moments, days, weeks, but my boy reminds me that I will not be giving up.

It's a personal decision. I hope you make the right decision for you.

Also, your life has purpose regardless of offspring. Set goals and achieve them. Because your goals will take far longer with kids 😂
