I’m 31 weeks 5days pregnant with my 5th child and what my dr has told me is a very large baby😳 Weight is approx 2.3kg already and hc of 29.5cm and quite a large stomach.
He is also breech.Now I know there is still time for him to turn etc but I was asked about my thoughts and feelings on a vaginal breech...my words were”I’d be terrified of having a breech baby that is considered bigger than average especially with a big head” and would prefer an elective c section if need be.
I don’t know anyone that has had a vaginal breech,let alone a very big one at that so just looking for any mums that have and if they feel comfortable sharing their experience with me?Thanks
Breech vaginal birth big baby?!
Breech vaginal birth big baby?!
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5 Replies
Not me personally however my neighbour did, the baby got stuck and pooed whilst in her and swallowed a lot of meconium. Had to be resuscitated and she was cut open completely (episiotomy and a lot of stitches).
I had an elective and it was such a lovely relaxed experience :)
My mum tried to have a vaginal birth with me (I was breech) but needed an emergency c-section before I came out so even if you try you need to be prepared you may have a c-section anyway.
I birthed a 10 pounder (scans were saying she was 5kgs), she was breach momentarily at 38 weeks, she turned on her own right before they attempted to turn her manually but they weren't going to let me birth her breach because of her size.
I had her naturally in the end but holey moley...
Her shoulders got kind of wedged on the way out and she was briefly stuck, I also heamoraged afterwards because of her size. Downstairs hasn't been the same since either 😂😂
If I could go back in time I'd have had the elective csection but that's just me.
Spinning babies.com to turn bub.
Look at hypnobirthing books, I know theres one popular one that explains how a baby is born and also explains with diagrams how breech babies are born. Very good information and I think will be helpful for you to decide if youre up to going for it or not.
Good success with acupuncture helping to turn a breech baby. You ask have time if you want to investigate turning the baby. My big baby didn't show up as that big. Sometimes that are not that accurate.