How to stop wanting another baby


How to stop wanting another baby

I am 34 and my partner of 1 year is 40, I have 3 children from a previous marriage he has 1. Ages ranging from 15 to 8.
We have talked about having one more child (our first one together), I am really wanting another, my body is yearning for it (to have one with him). The issue is that he possibly cant have anymore children, and If he could he is not even sure if he wants one more. I love this man with all of my heart, How do I stop this yearning and the tears every time I see a small child?

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Pregnancy, Baby & Toddler

5 Replies


I am 27 and my partner is 40. We would both like more kids but I just can't risk it due to complications from my previous births. I work at a school and hang around children all day when I'm working. A lot of the kids are lovely but sometimes I feel like I'm crazy for wanting more lol. You'll eventually just stop yearning so much. You've only been together for a year, I'd revisit the idea when you've been together longer and see what he thinks.


You’re in the honeymoon stage, of course you adore him, please give the relationship and all the kids more time to get used to their new reality before adding to your family.


I don't know that you can just 'stop wanting' a baby.
I think you just learn to accept that another baby isn't meant to be as much as you may really want one!

I for example wanted 5 or 6 kids, I had a deep desire for a big family, for many reasons that isn't possible for us. I still want that big family but I have accepted it won't happen and I'm at peace with that. Those feelings can live simultaneously together, you've just gotta find that peace, though that won't happen overnight and don't forget you are allowed to be a bit sad for the baby that probably won't come to be!


I don’t think the feeling ever goes away. I have the same feelings and have had for a couple of years. I try not thinking about it but it’s hard.


We've been together for 3 years and we have 4 between us. He is nearly 40 and I'm nearly 36. We've been discussing it and he wasnt keen as much as he'd love more but with life and needing to give the 4 we have the best we can I just came to the decision that he is right and 4 is enough even though I desperately want his baby (2 are his and 2 are mine).
I officially told him 3 nights ago that I am ok with being done.
But I cried watching big bang tonight the episode where Bernadette announced her pregnancy coz it hit me that I'm done. But I love this man so much and the family we have and I'll be ok but it'll take time to accept it as much as its right for us.
