Any mummas here have gone to work full time with an 11mo and a 7yo? I work part time but have been given an opportunity to work full time with a $15K pay rise... it would make a huge difference for us financially and will free us up a fair bit..... but mummy guilt is strong!!
12 Replies
Yes. When 11 months old the older was 4. My work is flexible so I can do full time when I choose. I just can't sustain it. I don't enjoy it. Time with them is so limited and stress is higher. A lot of preparation and getting ready and go go go.
Yes also money for the good times and life is always sweeter when you can afford it. But if you can afford it at part time, that's what I would recommend until the little one is maybe 4 or 5 or started school.
I have absolutely no guilt about providing my kids with the opportunities a reasonable income provides... Like well fitting clothes, nice food, holidays, treats, sports/ballet. It enriches their lives. And... Whilst we're enjoying the perks that come with financial freedom, I'm also teaching them to work for what they want and expect their future partners to do that too. Your kids will still feel loved to the moon and back if you don't ignore them otherwise. Their is research that shows for a child to feel emotionally secure and loved, they need 8 minutes of undivided attention each day. If that's all it takes, my kids are well and truly fine. I can't get out of reading at bedtime in under 20 most nights and that's just one interaction we have. Look at the pros and cons and your mummy guilt won't hold the power it does right now xxx
I work and do not feel one bit guilty! I have enough money to take them out places and holidays and give them memories for the rest of their life. I'd rather work and have awesome weekends and holidays filled with adventure than just stay home all the time.
After being a SAHM for the last 10 years and really struggling both financially and even now getting back into the work force. Had i been presented with an opportunity like this, I would take it.
What a great perspective from “the other side” Very helpful for me and I’m not the original poster
Work out how much extra tax, fuel, daycare etc you will be paying. Will you be buying more lunch orders or convenient meals, paying for a cleaner? Add it all up to see if you really are going to be better off or not.
This job is with 5-10min of home and my child's school. No need for a cleaner - we all pitch in. Our school doesn't do lunch orders either apart from 1 day a week (I've never ordered one either). My parents are looking after youngest 3 days a week atm and she is starting childcare in Jan 2019...
Thanks all... it's a lot to take in but I think I have to think long term and how much this will benefit our whole family (not to mention my super!).
I’m in the exact same predicament right now! I can boost our income by $24000 a year 😳 and I’m still hesitating! Wish the mummy guilt wasn’t so strong!!!!! Let me know what you decide. I might let you make the decision for both of us! 😆
I went back FT when my DS was 9 months old. No problems. My Mum had to go back when I was six weeks old. She was always working and my sister and I still had a great childhood and weren’t denied anything because my family was financially stable. We got swimming lessons, sports, music lessons, school camps, holiday care, trips overseas. Do what feels right for you but know that the kids will be fine as long as you make sure weekends are quality time.
Stop feeling guilty. Do what is right for you! You are dammed if you do and dammed if you don’t. If you can manage it, do it! I personally couldn’t cope with working full time plus my 3 kids. If you can do it super Mum, do it! You are so lucky to have a job and a pay rise too!
Just do it! I went back to work full time when my first was 10 weeks and second when she was 16 weeks. I had to. Couldn't afford not to work. And I still have never worked part time and they are 27 and 16 now, and they are both very grounded humans. Yeah Mummy guilt will be strong but think of the opportunities it will give your family.