Pregnancy after d&c


Pregnancy after d&c

Hi just wondering had a d&c on the 11/10 was told by dr to expect my period 4 weeks from procedure and that was now almost 6 weeks ago and still no AF(aunt flo) however took three pregnancy test first two had faded positive line and 3rd has a much more visible positive line so my question is how long did it take to get your period back or is it possible it’s a new pregnancy

Posted in:  Pregnancy

3 Replies


It took 9 weeks for me to get my period back after my d&c. The doctors told me your hcg levels will still be up a couple weeks after your d&c but would be slowly coming down and will go to zero again but if on the off chance they still missed some product your lebels wont go down and you'll have to see a doctor. I'd suggest test again in a couple of days and if still positive go to your doctor and ask for a blood test.


I’m sorry to say but probably not. HCG levels can take a very long time to drop after d&c. Your doctor should have ordered weekly/fortnightly bloods to watch your levels drop.
Let your body heal. Give it a couple of cycles. Much love and light.


Well me again the poster so I decided to goto the Dr’s and she has got one set of bloods done and I will go back for another lot tomorrow then get the results Friday , so the dr said it’s one of two things either it’s a new pregnancy or leftover hormone from the missed miscarriage so if the levels are rising it’s a new pregnancy and to make a dr appointment but if the levels are dropping it’s leftover residue from the missed miscarriage and just wait it out till Aunt Flo arrives. Either outcome I’m ok with it I lost the baby in September and had the d&c in October so I just was expecting AF within a month after procedure but nothing as yet.
I must also add that I’ve got my head around that it’s just leftover hormone and if it’s the opposite it will be a nice surprise I just didn’t think you would get a positive reading after now 7 weeks post op and I would have been 10 weeks the day of the procedure but baby only measured at 5weeks along when they did a scan at 9 weeks so I went a month unknown that I’d had a missed miscarriage had no bleeding no cramping everything was growing like normal (boobs and belly) but nope no heartbeat and 3 days prior to my d&c I lost all pregnancy symptoms so it was all confusing but I will definitely know one way or another come Friday.
Thank u to all who took the time to just answer by your own experiences it’s sure is a emotional challenging roller coaster of just not knowing what your body is doing.
