Info on Becoming a Doula

Anon Imperfect Mum

Info on Becoming a Doula

Hi Ladies, I am seriously considering becoming a Doula next year. I am extreamly interested in the profession and believe i would really enjoy it as a career. The only thing is im already worrying about what i will do with my Child/ren when i become one.

Can i get some insight from Doula's or anyone who knows one how they juggle career & family life. Who looks after your children when you have to go to work at the drop of a hat at any time of the day or night. How do you make a living from it? I assume you cannot work any other job to subsidise the low income.

I am aware this job is more for the passion of natural/ safe & a caring birth then the pay packet but passion doesn't put food on the table. How many births do you do a month? I really don't know much about the structure of the job but i know the technical side more and that is what is sparking my interest. Did you find it easier to do this career when your children were grown? Or just as easy when they were small. My child is 18mths & it's looking like i might have another on the way so i will have two very young children when i begin to study.

Any information regarding this career would be appreciated.


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