I had mediation yesterday for access with my 19 month old daughter. There is a history of domestic violence so I was going for supervised visits. I initiated mediation as her father would see her every 6-8 weeks and if something didn’t go his way would threaten court. It was a shuttle telephone conference as there is about 1.5 hour drive between us. They spoke to me first but wanted to give me time to talk to my lawyer so spoke to him, about what he wanted (at this stage I hadn’t put forward what we were aiming for). He turned around and said he can’t commit to anything as he doesn’t know when he can come visit (doesn’t work or anything), so to me i find it is as he can’t be bothered making the effort so wants to keep it how it is, so him showing up whenever it suits him (usually at least 6-8 weeks). But the visits he usually has I find are too emotionally traumatic for our daughter, she doesn’t know him so clings to me for the first half an hour then warms up to him, they play and then he leaves again and she is a wreck. In our parenting plan it says visits are to be agreed upon by both parties or through our lawyers. I don’t want the coming and going so I’m thinking when he organises to see her to direct him to his lawyer and say his either all in or all out... I feel so guilty for it though and not sure if it’s the right thing...
Mediation and co-parenting
Mediation and co-parenting
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Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler, FAQ
6 Replies
Don’t feel guilty. Kids need structure and repetition to form a bond. I think it is a very fair ask.
Good luck mumma
No he can't make not committing a plan. Sounds good for you. You say, when you're ready, well start with supervised visits and a parenting course. Or perhaps a few supervised hours once every 8 weeks, as thats what suits him, but it needs to be planned and supervised.
I also wonder if you can get a clause pit in that if he misses 3x visits or a certain amount of months etc that the agreement is void.
He refused to commit to anything though not even the 6-8 weeks that’s just what it’s been previously and I think he is planning on continuing that. I honestly wouldn’t agree with supervised visits every 8 weeks as she is so young that is just too long in between for it to be any value to her if that makes sense. If he had legitimate commitments that is of course reasonable but his life at the moment involves living at his mums watching movies all day, it’s just laziness
If hes not asking for/ committing to anything, great! Thats the best you can hope for. Just ask for supervised before anything starts, if it ever was to. I see what youre saying, but theres the point of the most time between visits being better for you both as well. That's only if you have to agree to something.
No way! He's either all in or all out, he can't choose to be a parent when it suits him at all. That is not fair on your daughter at all :(