Hi Mummas
I’ve recently decided it’s time for me to get back in to the work force my kids are 5,3.5 and 19 months.
Is there any services that help with writing resumes, after being out of work since my first was born I’m unsure on how to present myself in a resume when for the past 5 years I’ve been “just a mum”
3 Replies
Yes, google resume services in your area or look in the local paper, I got mine looked at for 30 bucks. Get proactive!
Thanks! I’ve just recently moved to a new town so I’d have no idea where to look but I’m defiantly keen on getting myself back in to some form of work, I’m studying at the moment online which hasn’t been easy with 3 kids under my feet, I’m desperate to kick start my career, it’s just getting my foot in the door that will be the hard part
Do you think you’ll be able to get a job that covers daycare fees x2 or have alternative care arrangements. Day care is expensive especially with 2 kids. It can cost you up to $400 a week for just one child.