Starting Prep

Anon Imperfect Mum

Starting Prep

Hi mummas!
So my LO starts prep this year and I still cannot wrap my head around it! I’m feeling so anxious and so guilty!
My question is, how long did it take for your LO to settle into school and to adjust to this whole new routine? What other advice could you give to this panicking mumma 😫 I’m going to miss having my baby around during the day!

Posted in:  Education, Kids

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Most of first term to settle in for my 4 sometimes earlier. Don’t blink, I did and suddenly he was in year 12.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The best advice I can give is just try not to stress.
I worried about every little thing before my first started school: would he know how to open his lunch and drink, would he know where the toilets were and would be know to ask to go, what if he had an accident? Would he make friends, would he be nice to the other kids, what about bullies? I worried if he wouldn't know as much as the other kids, what if I didn't teach him enough at home? I could go on for days...

I worried myself sick for absolutely no reason! It still took time for us to adjust of course, he'd never been in a school type of environment before (I was a stay at home mum so he never went to daycare etc), we were used to just doing our own thing then suddenly we had an entire new routine. Probably 6 months into the year it just became our new normal, kids are amazingly adaptable, I think sometimes it's harder for us mum's to accept the change.

My son is in his last few years of primary now, he has thrived and there's been some bumpy roads as well but you just take it day by day.

Oh, and before you know it, you'll savour those 6 school hours 😉

Anon Imperfect Mum

My son starts prep too. He is my second so I'm really not stressed at all. My advice is, stay calm mumma! Your little one will be fine. Term one is like a transitional term where they settle the kiddos into their new routine. Your little one will be really tired after school so make sure they have an early night and brace yourself for grumpiness lol!
