How do I deal with a snarky, moody MiL?

Anon Imperfect Mum

How do I deal with a snarky, moody MiL?

I don’t know how to deal with my MIL any longer. After being on holidays she has accused me of sitting around not doing anything and My husband doing everything with the kids. She made several side ways comments while on holidays that I just knew were directed at me then it was confirmed when I was told what she said about me. I have been in the family over 15 years and she has never made me feel welcome or that I was good enough for her son even though we have an amazing marriage and love each other dearly it’s never enough.
Do I confront her and tell her I know what she said and ask her what her problem is or just try and move on knowing it’s not true and my husband knows it’s not true. I don’t know how much longer I can take the snide comments or wondering what other things she is making up about me. She is always in a bad mood and it seems as I’m just the target for the moods at the moment.

Posted in:  Behaviour, FAQ

6 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Confront the bitch! Always be very wary of her no matter what the outcome!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Stay away from her, In laws like this drive you crazy! My ex MIL used to tell everyone my ex did everything when we were together, the same man who considered looking after his kids as babysitting and an option. Also the same man whose idea of cleaning is to yell and scream at me to do it. Would occasionally cook dinner maybe once every 3 or 6 weeks because he was FIFO. Some mothers just see their child as this perfect human being and how dare you take her place as the woman in his life, she will throw down your housewife abilities to make herself feel better.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I don't think I'd confront her - but I'm not very confrontational and only you know how MIL would react to you speaking to her directly.

I would be distancing myself from her - it sounds like you're seeing her far too often and the saying familiarity breeds contempt comes to mind. When you do see her, start seeing her at public restaurants/parks and not in your/her home.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Why isn't your husband dealing with this???

Anon Imperfect Mum

27 years here, and the snarky comments really use to upset me, Ive tried my hardest at a relationship with her but alas its never going to be. Move on, your time isn't worth it. Just don't holiday with her at all. I use to get upset and ask hubby why he wouldn't deal with her by having a chat but he didn't want to make it worse. I was going to but decide to leave it and her alone

Anon Imperfect Mum

Firstly - Tell whoever told you what she said not to tell you this shit anymore. It serves no purpose.
Secondly - don’t holiday with this woman
Thirdly - only have a go at the time, in the moment. Stand your ground, speak your truth when it happens, and don’t react to gossip.
And fourthly - Let hubby know you’re going to call her on this crap and he better have your back or else 😆
