High school worries

Anon Imperfect Mum

High school worries

My son will be starting high school next year, it's the very same school I attended.

On paper, this school would be every parents first choice.
The building and all the facilities are state of the art.
The curriculum is excellent, as are the programs and opportunities that are offered to the senior students transitioning off into university, TAFE or the workforce.
It is arguably one of the "best" public schools in my city, possibly even the state.

However, from an insider's perspective this school is fraught with a bullying and violent culture. I was a teen mum, I only left this place just over 13 years ago myself. A lot of the teachers who dismissed (and even blamed me for) my horrible experiences of bullying and harassment are still there and some have even moved into more senior roles.

My younger siblings/cousins have gone through this school more recently, that culture has not changed, if anything it's been exasserbated by the usage of social media by students.

It was never my plan to send my child to this school but life happens and here we are...
There are no other options either, private schools are well beyond anything I could afford and the public schools in my area have very strict zoning rules, not to mention impractical in terms of travel.

My son is a quiet, sensitive and gentle boy so I am worried for him.
The thought of heading along to the parent information session later this term makes me feel sick to the stomach as well, I never wanted to set foot in this hell hole ever again.

My son is looking forward to going, he's quite excited for the science programs and I've never let my apprehension caused by my experiences show.

I'm not even sure what I'm asking tbh, reassurance maybe?

Anyone else been in this position?
How did you put your worries aside?

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Education, Teenagers

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Things have changed a lot in 13 years, ask lots of questions and take them to task on their bullying policies.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Don’t dismiss the religious schools. They may give you special consideration in regards to fees. You don’t loose anything by applying. I understand your hesitation I personally went to a high school that was similiar very rough but as it got good results academically held in high esteem. No way would I send my son there, and that was 20 years ago.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Have a look at the zones again and see if any have changed over the years. Has there been any new schools built? Also has there been any public housing estates privatised or built within the school zone? My kids high school had their zone changed and it changed the schools bullying problem for the better, one suburb which is basically completely public housing was cut from their zone. Sad to say most of the troubled kids were from this suburb. I grew up in public housing too before anyone wants to hate on me but nobody could deny there was a change once that suburb was cut. Do your research on the suburbs in the zone.
