Anon Imperfect Mum


Hi all. My husband and I are looking to move to Cairns. This will be a MASSIVE 3000k move. We’re excited nervous about the whole thing, currently we’re waiting on a few things to finish falling into place before we take the leap.

I’m currently looking into sending our child to TAS. But am also curious about public schools up there. Currently our child is in a private school as public schools in our area are absolutely terrible. Good quality schooling is a high priority for us. Also a long daycare nearby the school would be handy.

Also curious on suburbs too. We are looking to buy up there before we make our move so will rely heavily on local knowledge on areas as all we will see is the property online then the short stay to see it before viewing etc.

I know all this is very vague, we’re just in a point in our life where this opportunity is opening up for us and we don’t want to miss out. So I’m after some info/advice on these particular subjects so no need for full stories if that makes sense.

Also curious to hear from others that have done similar things (regardless of location), moved a very long way from family and friends. Taken a leap and changed your life. How did it go? How was the adjustment? Anything you’d do differently? Or any advice to give a fellow parent?

Thanks in advance

Posted in:  Relationships & Marriage, Mental Health, Self Care, Sisterhood Stories, Education, Kids

8 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

what do you want to be near? Beach? Shops? CBD? Near the Valley/hills? There is a TAS campus at Kewarra beach (P-7) but also have trinity Beach state school (next beach over), then Smithfield High school (10 minute drive from Kewarra, 5 from Smithfield) theres also Caravonica state school which isn't far either. All these schools are great it just depends on your location and what you want to be near. The main TAS campus (P-12) is Southside so a 20 drive into town if you work in town, and I think Childs World does long daycare/vacation care for that school too? I suggest you google Cairns suburbs and see what you like, we have a lot to offer. Good luck on the move.

Anon Imperfect Mum

In all honesty, to us we’ll be close to the beach at even 20 minutes away. Currently it’s around 50 minutes (with good traffic) to the beach and driving that isn’t an issue lol. 20 minutes to work would be a dream. My current drive is 35 minutes (on a GREAT day), 17 sets of traffic lights and thousands of douche bags... that’s just going to work. Coming home has taken me up to 1.5 hours. So travel for work from wherever we end up is the very least of our worries.

I love the mountains/rainforest (trees) and hubby loves the beach. A “view” of both would be nice, but is probably costly lol

We’re interested in a home in Edmonton and also one in Smithfield and are hoping we can both get time off work next month to go up for a week and suds it all out a bit more from the ground.

Thank you for your help :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

We lived in Cairns our entire lives and have just moved away. Being away from family an your support network is difficult but I’ve thrown myself into mothers groups/ playgroups.
We loved Redlynch, there are larger blocks in the valley if you’re looking for something a bit bigger. Smithfield village was also nice though we rented there for 2 years and it had a lot of parks and walks

There are 3 major shopping centres in cairns- earlville, Smithfield, cairns central. I personally wouldn’t live on Southside, it’s a bit of a drive if you’re working in town and areas of it are a lower socioeconomic. Again, there are some nice areas mixed in there too. I believe there are a few good private schools out there now and quite new.
Good luck with the move :)

Anon Imperfect Mum

What/where is considered to be Southside?

We currently own a home in a new estate in an area which I guess cops a bad wrap at time. We’ve been here two years and haven’t had any issues and I find it a nice quiet place to live... that said I do know exactly where the dodgy streets are that there is no way I’d walk down at night. Every place has bad spots really. But it would be nice to know where to avoid. Our kids are 7 & 1.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I find it funny when people on the northern beaches say Southside is too far from town. Like do kms double when they are south of a location? Like first beach from town is the same distance as first suburb south of town lol it defies logic!! Plus Southside have had road upgrades, traffic isn’t nearly as bad as north side. I live in Edmonton, furthest suburb from town, it’s 20 to 25 minutes to city each day for work. I wonder how long it takes someone in say Clifton beach, their outer suburbs, I guarantee it’s longer than that.
There are some awesome areas Southside and you get more bang for your buck, there are areas I wouldn’t live in either.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I also agree re the Southside - I wouldn’t live there. The beaches and Redlynch/Carvonica areas are lovely. When we say it’s a bit of a drive, it’s max 20mins so not really anything compared to city driving.
From what I hear Smithfield High isn’t the greatest. Good luck with your move. How exciting!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank you. We’re excited. Just hoping things fall into place for us to make it happen. 100% agree. 20 minutes driving is nothing 😂

Anon Imperfect Mum

Last year I decided life is too short and let’s just rent the house out and move up to QLD. My husband has a trade so I know he finds work easily. We packed up the house and rented it out. Packed the kids up in the car over Christmas got a cheap caravan and the rest is history. We enjoy our travels over the Christmas break taking our time and taking in the sights. We come across a place in QLD that my husband found work, we are enjoying it here and my kids have found a lovely school. They have made new friends. My husband enjoys his job. I am in the middle of finding work. We are all so much happier and the friends I thought I had at home, I rarely hear from. So take this advice when it comes to friends. If they are friends they will visit or you can visit when you go back home so they are the least of your worries. Family you will probably see more and enjoy more family time together on visits. Life is too short just do what makes you happy, make the move and if it doesn’t work out you can always move back. I don’t regret it for a minute. We have had so many more amazing opportunity here and we are all so happy. Our family unit is happier. I am so much happier and it’s the best new start for us. I wouldn’t change a thing. Have you thought about a caravan with air conditioning until you get settled.? There are some amazing family vans out there for any budget. We currently use wiki camps amazing for finding cheap places to stay. Showgrounds are amazing places and have options for around $25 a night including power / water / showers. We are living cheap with no bills. Saving money and enjoy our weekends exploring the surrounds. We feel like we are on holidays all the time. It’s not for everyone but there is so many people doing it now. We have made so many new friends and there is not one thing we regret about our new life.. only that maybe we should have done it years ago :)
