Am I the only one? Three primary aged children and not one, not two but all three are bed wetters. I have been doing this for over a decade now and I have had it.
All three wear night nappies and sometimes it leaks through, so still changing sheets.
Sleepovers never happen. They are all embarrassed.
I have been supporting and never once have I shown my frustration etc but... I am feeling as though I am at the end.
This doesn’t feel normal. Will this ever end?
Please help... I have had doctors appointments previously and been told they will ‘grow out of it’. Possibly should book another appointment?
Anyone with advice?
Should state, we are a well off family, kids all receive amazing scores at school. We are a happy family.
Primary Aged Bed Wetting.
Primary Aged Bed Wetting.
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Kids
6 Replies
Book and appointment with a paediatrician. My cousin bedwet for years and into his late teens. He had something wrong with his kidneys. When he went on school camp he had meds to stop him from setting himself but they also made him constipated. Paediatrician and then a referral to a urologist to get your kiddies checked out. Always get a second opinion if the Doctors advice seems to be crap advice.
About 9 years old medically they take notice. Bed wetting often runs in families and to be dry at night a certain hormone needs to be present. Some people need a special medication to be dry at night.
I found ‘brolly sheets’ perfect for catching those leeks and saves having to strip and wash everything.
Make another appointment and get ultrasounds on their kidneys to rule out medical issue.
It depends on the dr. Ive had a GP say my son will grow out of it and then another one be a lot more thorough in an investigation. However there is nothing wrong with my son medically, he is almost 9 now and mostly grown out of it. Some rare nights he will still wet the bed but its a rare occurrence.
Yep! My 9 almost 10 year old still wets the bed. I took her to a doctor over a year ago, she referred me to the incontinence nurse who has been working with her now for quite a while. There is so much they have to check for and rule out first that’s it’s a head ache really. We are currently waiting to go back to the doctors to get medication for her. Our next step is a bed alarm
But there is hope. My oldest son was also a bed wetter and he got an alarm at 7. Within 3 nights he was dry and we never looked back since. So it’s totally worth going to the doctors about
Took my girls to our gp with my concerns about bedwetting and gp tested for uti and treated with antibiotics ... 2 rounds on 1 and 1 round on the other...once they were clear of infection they were prescribed a nose spray, minirin. It took a month for one to stop wetting and about 6 months for the other.... Also my girls have tiny bladders and they r both heavy sleepers, so it has been a long road
Doctors start questioning around the age of 8. You say you have been doing this for over a decade.
You need a new doctor or just get your doctor to give you a referral