Toilet training

Anon Imperfect Mum

Toilet training

My son just only just turned 3. He is out of pull ups during the day. I decided to go cold Turkey with the night time pull ups just recently because in the mornings we have this big drama because he doesnt want to take his pull up off. Then goes into the whole thing I'm a baby not a big boy I love nappys etc. So I decided to get rid of pull ups all together and brought a couple mattress protectors. He has a couple of dry nights but the last few days hes been waking up wet in the mornings. I dont make a fuss over it, just change his clothes and say it's ok mum will wash it. Am I doing wrong by him?????? Am I sending him backwards by taking pull ups away when he might not be quite ready for night training?????
He doesnt worry me about washing the sheets daily - I would rather that then the drama we have trying to take a pull up off.

Posted in:  Behaviour, Baby & Toddler, Potty Training, Kids

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Maybe try waking him at around 1130 to go to the toilet, then his brain will start to learn it needs to wake him when he has to go it to the loo

Anon Imperfect Mum

Each child is different but my boy didn’t day train until 4. He is almost 5 and still wears a nappy to bed because there is no way he’d wake to go to the toilet. He is a full on kid, non-stop during the day. And by night time, he zonks right out and is such a heavy sleeper.
I also don’t expect that his little bladder would hold the whole entire night but I’m not sure if other kids would be able to. Possibly.

My son used to do the whole “I’m a baby. I wanna wear nappies” too, and I just kept up the fight about it. “No, you’re a big boy now. Remember! You had a birthday and turned 3! We’ve gotta wear undies during the day because you’ve been doing such an awesome job on the toilet”
Just be a broken record for a few weeks and hopefully all the praise and compliments work

Anon Imperfect Mum

Some kids don't get too until much older. My eldest two kids were night trained by 4. I now have 5 and 7 yr olds who are still wet at night. If washing the sheets nightly works without anyone feeling stressed, do it.

If he's still wetting the bed at 8 it would be worth seeing a Dr or child health nurse. We just had our 7 yr old at the paediatrician for some Asperger's issues and bed wetting came up. We have decided to get a cheep bed wetting alarm off eBay to help him wake up at the feeling of needing to pee. It was also suggested we could ride it out for another year or try medication to reduce urine production at night. He loved the idea of an alarm so that's what we are going to try.

My kids have all gone through phases of being wet or dry at night, but I'm sure they'll all eventually get there in their own time. We just keep the stress low, open communication and praise the dry nights.

Best of luck, but I don't think you'll need it, sounds like you've got it!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Let him go. He’ll do it when he’s ready. If he says he’s still a baby then so be it. Why the big rush?
