Change Of Surname

Anon Imperfect Mum

Change Of Surname

Hi IM's
I have a 3 year old whose Dad has not been in the picture by his choice since my son was 6 weeks old. I have done everything I could to try make him apart of my sons life. My son has his father's surname and I am wondering if anyone has tried to change it through courts with their own child who could offer some tips or advice. My other child also has my surname and for school and medical reasons also is why I would like it changed. Thank you in advance.

Posted in:  Baby & Toddler, FAQ

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

If there's any way you can get him to sign on it, then it's a really easy process.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I had to go to court and a judge decided to change it after him not showing up numerous times. It costs about $5000 depending on how much of a dick he is.
You will need proof that it is the best interest of the child (my child had my last name at day care even though it was his on the birth certificate).
It can be a long process but worth it in the end.

Anon Imperfect Mum

He hasn't been in the picture for a while and changed all contact details and moved back to NZ I have no way of contacting him anymore.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I changed my daughters surname. Bio dad took off to the other side of the country when she was diagnosed with her disability. He has had nothing to do with us since (3 and a half years) no child support, no communication, nothing. When I put it to him I explained how it’s going to affect her long term welfare having a different surname to the rest of us when he has nothing to do with her, her brain can’t comprehend things like this etc.

It took ages for him to sign them, he mucked me around with it, not sending his proof of identity, not signing properly etc, back and forth back and forth with this paperwork. In the end I told him he either signs it correctly or I go to court to get it done. Miraculously, he returned the forms very quickly, I’m guessing because he has such a high child support debt and thought that was going to come up?

I lodged with births death marriages and it was done.

I would try getting him to sign - you may be surprised and he may just sign them?

Otherwise in the meantime, you can have a “preferred name” be used until things can be legalised
