Signs of labour approaching before c-section date?


Signs of labour approaching before c-section date?

Currently expecting 3rd baby, first was emergency c-section, second was c-section due to complications although wasn't in an emergency situation. So after two previous c-sections this baby has to real choice but to come via c-section haha
Anyway, I'm booked in for 9 days time. I've been getting on and off again contractions for a while now, been in and had it all checked out, got told to come back in if they get worse/water breaks/start bleeding ect.
Two days ago I started losing my mucus plug, not 100% certain, but I'm a good 98% sure that's what it is haha...I know that it can take days/weeks even for the mucus plug to fully dislodge, so I'm not too worried just yet.
Still getting the spontaneous contractions, as well as lots of braxtyn hicks. Baby has dropped and the pelvic pressure and pain shooting down my legs is insane. Honestly feels like baby is just gonna fall out haha
I'm not bleeding/waters haven't broke and contractions I wouldn't consider regular or consistent enough for a hospital visit.
But from any/all pregnancy experiences you lovely people have had, what's the likelihood of this baby sitting put for another 9 days šŸ˜…
Humour me, 11pm and ofcourse i cannot get comfortable enough to sleep šŸ˜‚
Got the hospital bag packed and hubby comes home from work on his leave tomorrow, so I'm as prepared as I can be haha

Posted in:  Pregnancy

2 Replies


I lost my mucus plug and baby arrived approximately 20 hours later (4 hour labor).
Maybe let your midwife know? Maybe they will re-evaluate ypur c section date šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


My 3rd csection baby came before elective date. She came at 38weeks. Iā€™d had braxton hicks / tightning for at least 4 weeks. I finally went to hospital when I noticed decreased movements & I had high blood pressure. I went into labour and was about 4cms by the time I was prepped & ready for csection.
