We are at a loss of what to do with our 8yo (almost 9). He is extremely disrespectful nearly all the time. We can’t even ask him to do the simplest tasks without him starting to scream at us mid way through the question.
Timeouts consist of him screaming “Dad!” or “Mum!” “Why won’t you answer me?!” repeatedly and will refuse to acknowledge why he’s been put there. He says we’re being mean.
All the time he screams “No!” or “Stop!” just for being asks the simplest things that is I feel a realistic expectation of an 8yo. eg, get your shoes & get in the car.
He constantly teases & deliberately aggravates his little brother who often is trying to do something nice for his big brother.
I feel like the worst parent as it’s like we’re always getting up him but his behaviour can’t go unchecked.
He is also disrespectful to his teachers, answering & arguing back to them.
Every day is a battle and it’s upsetting for everyone.
Disrespectful 8yo
Disrespectful 8yo
Posted in:
Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids
4 Replies
Has he ever been assessed by a peadiatrician and child psychologist?
Life can’t be much fun for your son either and I’d be reaching out to professionals for support.
My daughter has adhd. For time out she has a timer set. The amount of minutes that is her age. If she talks I press pause. If she calls out I press pause. If she gets up and moves I restart the timer. For time out to start she must be sitting on the step or in the corner arms and legs folded with no noise. When we first started to would kick and scream. Time outs went forever. Now I can put her in the corner start the timer and walk away. If she’s asked to do a job and ignores me. I turn off the tv or take what ever appliance she’s using until the task is completed. If she yells at me I ignore her, if she kicks me I restrain her. Your son is older. I honestly don’t think this behaviour is a new thing for it to be this extreme. I think you may need to get the advice of a Paediatrician but also focus on the basic parenting techniques. This behaviour isn’t easy to control. My mum didn’t control my brothers out bursts and he was a terribly angry teen who knew that he could get what he wanted just by chucking a tantrum when asked to do something. It was either woman’s work or why should he do it becasue it was going to interfere in his computer time. My mum always gave in after a day of him being grounded but if it was me there’s no way she’d back down. Becasue I didn’t behave like that. I knew I’d cop a flogging if I acted like him. There’s more going on than what meets the eye but behaviours can be dealt with especially if you jump in and work on them until you’ve beaten them. (The behaviours not the kids)
Have you tried a smack?
Agree yo u need a paed and psych now.
Have you tried calling the situation down and then speaking to him. Calm, reassure, speak while you're all calm, consequence while I'd needed while all calm, it doesn't have to be hyper emotional and make sure you remain the calm when that happens.