Child smoking weed


Child smoking weed

I just found my 12 year old son smoking weed!! Of course, I lost my cool and yelled and threw his homemade bong in the bin and asked him where he got the weed from.
Apparently the kid across the road steals it from his mum and he and my son and another little boy have been trying it.
Obviously the other boy isn’t allowed back.
However, I need to talk to the mother who owns the weed and I’m not sure how to approach her about it.
Any suggestions, ladies?

Posted in:  Behaviour, Teenagers, Drugs & Alcohol

13 Replies


If you know this woman personally (which I would hope as your child has been spending unsupervised time at their house/with her child) just be upfront and let her know - my kid said your kid has been supplying him with pot, thought you ought to know!
If you don't know her, leave it.

Having said that, be sure your child is being truthful. Kids will often blame someone innocent in these scenarios out of fear, i remember being in high school and the kids who provided other students with pot were not people I would have fucked with. There was often behaviours of intimidation and threats of violence if someone "narked". Your kid has already been smoking dope behind your back so don't think that he's not completely capable of convincingly lying to your face!

You're also going to need to come down hard, my kid would lose the privilege of any independence at all. I wouldn't be allowing him to visit friends, i wouldn't even leave him alone for 5 minutes to go to the shop. He's 12, it's your job now to ensure he doesn't have the opportunity to get into drugs again.
I would also look into some professional drug councelling before this develops into a habit he can't kick.


Yes, I know this woman personally. We live in a small country town of 600 people and they live opposite us. Known them for years.
I’m certain this boy is responsible for bringing the weed.
Last year I banned him from coming to our house because he bought a beer over for my son to drink with him, that also had been taken from the shed at home. His mother kicked up such a stink about it and told everyone that I don’t allow him over because he’s black and that I’m a racist.
My son is easily led and likes doing the wrong thing. This boy likes doing the wrong thing and getting others into trouble. He does it at school all the time. Starts trouble, let’s others take the blame, tells his mum that other kids were mean to him and got him in trouble because he’s aboriginal and then the mother goes off chops.
I want to tell the local copper but I’m worried she’ll get all her cousins and stuff onto my family. Meanwhile, my son gets exposed to this crap. I don’t know what to do.


Yes, I know this woman personally. We live in a small country town of 600 people and they live opposite us. Known them for years.
I’m certain this boy is responsible for bringing the weed.
Last year I banned him from coming to our house because he bought a beer over for my son to drink with him, that also had been taken from the shed at home. His mother kicked up such a stink about it and told everyone that I don’t allow him over because he’s black and that I’m a racist.
My son is easily led and likes doing the wrong thing. This boy likes doing the wrong thing and getting others into trouble. He does it at school all the time. Starts trouble, let’s others take the blame, tells his mum that other kids were mean to him and got him in trouble because he’s aboriginal and then the mother goes off chops.
I want to tell the local copper but I’m worried she’ll get all her cousins and stuff onto my family. Meanwhile, my son gets exposed to this crap. I don’t know what to do.


Holy moly! A firm but friendly chat to the mother! Maybe invite her over for a coffee, but making it clear what your actions will be if it happens again. I would be fuming. Also maybe getting a police officer to chat to your son maybe? Or some other kind of authority.


I’ve just gotten off the phone with the local policeman (small town, everyone knows everyone) and informed him of the boys use of cannabis and he will be having a chat to all concerned very soon, so hopefully this helps with the boys knowing it’s not ok, we have our eye on them and with talking to the other parents. It’s come to my attention that there are at least 4 young boys involved, my 12 year old son, another 12 year old, a boy in grade 4 and one in grade 5. The younger boy’ parents are users of pot themselves. These kids have known each other since babyhood.


Oh dear...

I would approach this carefully. I’d have a catch up with her and tell her that you have caught the two of them smoking weed tell her your guttered they are so young. How could this happen? Play dumb ask her where she thinks they are getting it from? She maybe honest she may not but I guarantee she finds a new hiding place for it!!


I would tell her exactly what happened and what was said, how she reacts will tell me what to do from there. If she is disgusted with them too I would probably not take it further and hope she keeps it away from her child now. If she tries to act like its not a big deal or her child had nothing to do with it then I would report it to the police. She is guilty of supplying minors if she does nothing to change her sons access to it so she will need to be reported. I have nothing against people who smoke, my partner smokes, but they need to be responsible and keep it away from kids.


I agree but i just have to add to this - be absolutely sure this is where the pot actually did come from before/if you involve the police.
There will likely be raids at the address and DHS involvement, it would be awful for an innocent family to have to go through that so it's important to be 100% certain this is exactly where and how the drugs were obtained. Make sure your son is aware of the seriousness of these types of allegations too.


BBBBBAAAAHHHHAAAaa you are joking right! You honestly think they are going to raid a house and send out DHS! You are kidding yourself. Police won’t and neither will DHS unless there are repeated and serious neglect and abuse.

Deal with your son. This sort of temptation is going to happen over and over again especially during his teenage years. Teach your son the risks of consuming cannabis at such a young age. Be real with him. The risks to a healthy adult (over 25) are significantly less than they are for a developing brain. Do the research with him.

As far as the neighbor goes. A quick call or visit. Just a heads up this has happened and leave it at that. And I agree the neighbors kid can find some new friends.


You can think it's funny, but I have known people in these scenarios where they'd provided children with pot. They got raided and DHS were involved! Not just making that up for dramatic effect, it happens...

I'm just saying if you want to go down that path of police involvement be sure you've got your facts straight, no one needs this bullshit if they didn't do anything wrong.


I wouldn’t bother calling the police on them incase the boys family knows it was you as you would have to tell the police that her son is giving it to your son , they’ll know where the information came from and you could open yourself up for targeted retribution if the mother isn’t very approachable.

I’d just educate my own child to stay away from the boy who lives there , no more hanging out together and no more going to each other’s houses . You can only keep your own child informed and away from the other boy . Don’t bother trying to get the Mother’s attention on it .


I have considered this yes. It’s awfully hard though when he lives just over the road literally and they go to school together.
I am a little worried as this mother might tell all her relatives and not only I will end up harmed, but more importantly my son, for getting the cops involved. I know I’m going to get in trouble for saying so, but it’s a local indigenous family and lots of people around here buy weed off them.
HOWEVER, I don’t want MY son being supplied with it, even if the little stinker DOES want it. He’s been educated on the harm drugs do, but he’s more concerned with the opinions of his mates who think “yarndi” is just what you do.


I would move! Get your kid out of that environment
