Hi, I'm due in September but due to significant complications during my last birth I have been offered a csection, the midwife said the choice is mine I can try natural if I want or opt for a csec, I have an appointment to speak to the doctor about it in two weeks. So basically my third birth ended at 6cm dilated due to fetal distress/heart anomaly, there was no time for a csection and I had to deliver him right there and then with help of the venthouse, I ended up with 3rd degree tearing. My previous two births before that were uncomplicated although I did need an episiotomy with both.
I'm just wanting to hear from those that have had a similar situation, is it possible to have a normal birth after 3rd degree tearing (that seems to be why I'm being offered the csection), is it more risky and better to opt for the csection? I know recovery is hard with a csection and I have a toddler who is special needs so I'm worried how long I will be off my feet but I don't want to put myself or baby at risk either.
Thankyou if you made it this far and sorry for the length.
Csection vs natural
Csection vs natural
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3 Replies
I had third degree tears with my first . My whole labia from top to bottom was ripped , and inside my birth canal , including my clitorous were torn to pieces . I was left to tear by my midwives . Couldn’t sit or walk for a few weeks , I cried when I pee’d , it burned so bad . I was literally torn in two . It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced in my life .
However , it all heals babe . I went on to have another six natural , normal births with very minimal post damage . Everything always bounced back to normal afterwards , and much quicker than my first . It is not more risky to have natural births after brutal tearing . Your vagina knows it’s job and will always return back to normal, like nothing ever happened . It knows what to do. Previous tearing will not affect a subsequent natural delivery .
I had a 2 to 3 cm tear on my labia right near the entrance of my vagina (sorry for the TMI), doctors whacked a few stitches in and considered it relatively minor - I don't think it was even given a degree.
The scarring from that tear has given me grief for almost 8 years because it split open in the same damn spot during my next birth. Its raised up, and it gets really irritated during sex, if I get hot and sweaty it hurts, certain activities hurt it (gym equipment like exercise bikes for example) and sometimes for no reason at all it just hurts. Its not enough to be debilitating but enough to be a nuisance!
So I have to beg to differ with the above, tears don't always heal and vaginas don't always go back to normal (my lady parts got a little more damaged with each birth). It really depends on the person!
Personally though, if I ever have another baby, for this reason and the fact I have massive babies, I'd be leaning towards a csection.
I had 3rd degree tearing & episiotomy with my first. I was in labour for nearly two days start to finish, I ended up with an epidural & forceps delivery. I was advised to have a csection if I was to have anymore children due to the damage. It took me 8 months to recover.
Second time around, I found a good obstetrician. I wanted to avoid a csection because I had a heavy toddler, two storey house, a husband who couldn't take time off work & no family close by to help while I recovered.
My second labour was 1 hour, we didn't make it to the hospital & my husband delivered our daughter with the help of 000. I had no tearing & my recovery was amazingly quick.
You never know what you are going to get. If you trust your doctor/midwife go with their advice - if not, find one you can trust & who will listen to your concerns & help you make a really informed decision. Your health is too important & you need someone who will take it seriously.
Best of luck x