Large family advice

Anon Imperfect Mum

Large family advice

Anyone with a large family that are renting? My partner and I are currently looking for a place to rent but I'm worried about finding us a place. Their is 2 adults and 6 kids, everything is so expensive where we live and everything with 5 bedrooms is really flash just worried about our chance of getting approved for one of these flash houses when they find out how many kids we have. Just wondering other people's experiences with getting approved with so many children.

Posted in:  FAQ

3 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

How old are your kids and what sexes are they? That will help people give advice.

How about a 4 bedroom with more than one living area so you can create a make shift bedroom? I did that with my kids. I only have 4 but they're teenagers and I wanted them to have their own rooms.

Anon Imperfect Mum

2 girls 12 and 7 , 4 boys 14,9, 7and 2. Very hard every house viewing we go to there is at least 20 ppl also looking so just feel like we are at a huge disadvantage and won't even be considered given how many children we have. We don't have a bad rental history and we are clean people.

Anon Imperfect Mum

The rental market is so competitive at the moment. We struggled to find a place and we only have 3 kids!
It does come down to the landlord though, they can't discriminate in the advertising but a lot just don't want kids in their properties so it wouldn't matter if you had 1 or 8 kids in those instances.

I find it helpful to build a raport with the local property managers, then they can kind of vouch for you so to speak.
Take photos of your current home and include them in the application so they can see your standard of living/how well you take care of said property.
Again, include a little cover letter about your family with the application, it personalises it a little. Makes you not just another name on a bit of paper!

Look for properties that have been vacant for the longest too, empty rentals don't bring in money. They want them leased asap, so you're more likely to get one of those.

Good luck, it can be a very stressful, uncertain time house hunting!
