Hi everyone.
My son’s father has only seen him twice over the past year. I offered drop offs over school holidays, weekends etc.
He doesn’t call or text him at all.
I want to move to another state where I feel my son and I would have a better quality of life. I’ve talked to my son about it and he is excited about the adventure.
There are no parenting or court orders in place. Can I just move? If he goes to court and they order me back, can I use the lack of communication as evidence as to why we should be able to move?
Thanks everyone.
3 Replies
You need to speak to a lawyer. But a cheap easy way to get confirmation is to ask dad to sign a document that says you can move.
You're better off getting permission beforehand or you will likely be ordered back with or without evidence and make you do it all properly. Ask your ex, if hes been so absent he might agree to let him go, if not then hes being an ass and you shouldn't have much of a problem leaving. Just make sure you are moving for the right reasons and not to get back at your ex for not seeing his son. Is there better opportunities waiting for you or are you just moving for no real reason?
Number 1, get legal advice!
If you move without asking the dad and he gets an order to return you will have to until it goes to court at which point the judge will not look kindly on you just going, no matter the circumstances.
I would contact the dad and ask him to consent in writing to move; and give you sole parental responsibility while your at it.