Finance/depression/failure as a mum/provider

Anon Imperfect Mum

Finance/depression/failure as a mum/provider

I’m struggling a lot mentally not as a mum
But a person in debt I’m mentally always putting myself down,eating my pain away and crying every night not being able to tell my other half what’s going on because I know he’ll be upset

I’m a stay at home mum if two beautiful girls with my childhood sweetheart who works so single income household
But I’ve been a target of scam which has left my bank account over 1600 dollars over drawn
I haven’t told my partner because he is in debt himself and paying off things already.
I recently spoke to my bank and the over drawn amount is for the temporary credit which I was not told it was temporary needs to be returned
Now I have no money to pay the bills or feed my family as my partner pays for everything else and on top of that I may not be able to go visit my grandma as I’ve been planning to do so for the past two years but this Time it’s important that I go as she’s had brain surgery to remove numerous tumours may not be with us for much longer and I have t seen her since being pregnant with my first baby so she hasn’t met my second child
I’m a good person whose always helped others and not once ever asked for anything in return I don’t deserve this to happen to me no one does but I don’t know how to fix it

I don’t know what to do and I don’t have much help these days
I live in Melbourne i don’t drive and don’t work
I’m lost
In pain
And mentally drained

I need help

What should I o

Posted in:  Life Lessons, Mental Health, Anxiety & Depression, Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Health & Wellbeing, Money

4 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Hi IM,
firstly get to a bulk billing GP and request a mental health care plan.

Can you discuss the scam more and whether or not you'll see the money again? How did you get yourself into said scam?

Can you start looking for a job, even some evening shifts in hospitality to start earning even just 200 odd a week?

Depending on location, Tasty Trucks in Ferntree Gully are awesome employers and the shifts are awesome times (6-9 thereabouts) so you could try and work around it.

I think first and foremost, you need to be upfront with your partner about the situation, he deserves to know and you need to work through this together.

Head into salvos and look at vouchers for food, local churches for evening meals, local RSLs etc. - there's a lot of options in Melbourne thankfully and you just have to source them. Vinnies and Salvos are your first start.

Remember, this is all temporary and can and will go away but you need to act now.

For homemade meals, going meat free is quite cheap, using chickpeas and beans as a filler!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Your partner already knows something is wrong. He is probably more confused and upset because he doesn’t know what’s upsetting you so much. He’ll be tying himself in knots trying to guess in his own mind.
Please tell him.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Scam was through a so called friend who in the end took my money my bank info and tried to get more out... and no I don’t think I’ll be getting the money back at all
I have tried looking for work but I have a baby at home so I can’t look for anything during the day I’m searched everywhere for where I can earn money it no luck

I have been upfront with my partner and now as I suspected he’s even more stressed out and working non stop but the money he earns is already going to other expenses

I’ve gone to salvos,vinnies community centres but they can only help so much my issue is finance I need money been selling almost everything I own and still haven’t come up wihenough my bank account is overdrawn a lot and it seems like it’s never going down

Anon Imperfect Mum

You need to report this to the police. It's theft and fraud. Then take your police report to the bank. The bank never should have allowed your account to be over drawn that much without an overdraft which I doubt you would have got with no income. If the bank doesn't return your money call the ombudsman. The bank can get a huge fine from them which would be easier to just return your money. Do not just bury your head in the sand and fight against the bank to get your money back and also make sure you get this person charged for theft and fraud. Good luck.
