Each day on repeat - SAHM duties

Anon Imperfect Mum

Each day on repeat - SAHM duties

I feel like I’m stuck in Groundhog Day

I’m a SAHM to a two year old and a one year old. All I do is dishes, washing, pick up toys, feed the children, dishes again, pick up more toys, feed the children again etc etc

I’ve lost motivation to do anything beyond the necessities now. That pile of clothes that are too small for the kids can stay in the corner and grow for another year if they have to. I get bursts of energy and can wash walls, clean windows, fully detail my bathrooms, sort kitchen cupboards but those days are few and far between now

I attempt to take the kids out daily, Park, playground, strolls around the block, shops etc, but with mismatching nap times (tried to sync up) sometimes it’s not possible

Does it end? Or is it this way till they get to school?

Note. I had my own business that I could do for myself, but it just caused too many relationship problems as I was doing really well and didn’t have time for household things. Now I have time but no motivation. Is there a middle ground?

Posted in:  Parenthood Guilt, Baby & Toddler

5 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

That's all the boring stuff. Thats work. What about the fun stuff. The you stuff. When do you hang with friends? Do things you enjoy? Go out for dinner or sunset? Go to concerts or shows? Have wines with friends?
You need to start regaining you self. Yes it gets better as they get older and more independent it's much easier, but even this young you need to have things that you look forward to.

Anon Imperfect Mum

As much as I didn’t want to go back to work, it’s been good for my mental health. I had massive anxiety about working and leaving my two kids but I had to go back for financial reasons when my youngest was 1.

And tbh, it was a blessing is disguise. I only work two days a week. But it’s just enough to have some extra cash on our pockets, but also a massive load of mental pressure off my shoulders.
I know have my weeks planned out. Monday and Tuesday are errands and house work. Wednesday and Thursday I work. And Friday Saturday Sunday are family days.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Also Monday and Tuesday afternoons when my partner gets home from work, we do something. Which usually includes going to the gym (our kids come), going for a hike (can be a pain in the arse with two small kids but we still do it), tag teaming to go for a walk or run on our own while the other plays with kids at home.
I find exercise is massive for my mental health.
I don’t really have any hobbies but I do like to read and drink coffee and fake tan so those are also things I do for my me-time.

Find things that spark joy and MAKE time for them. Have something once a week to look forward to, and then ground hog days aren’t so bad

Anon Imperfect Mum

I worked three days a week when mine was little, you’re so right, makes such a difference to your mental state.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was you, then started working three days a week.
It gave structure to my life, spending time with adults, it changed everything.
I know how you feel, it’s shit, time to change things up.
I hear abc for kids now and it triggers me, takes me back to that dark place, my kids are older now lol
When the era of abc for kids ends, everything gets better, i promise.
Also I’m the same, the less busy I am, the less motivation I have.
I work full time now and I do all the housework, no problems, go figure, must be the way our brains are wired.
