I am looking into distance education/online study for my year 6 child and beyond. School is too difficult, has high anxiety and school is boring. Fortunately we have a lot of support from the school, gps, specialists etc.School has suggested online study may be an option instead and will be giving me more information soon. Its a virtual classroom that a teacher runs- I would prefer this over me trying to home school. Has anyone had any experience with this - postivies/negatives? Any tips?
2 Replies
I would definitely do this way over home school. I would also tap into the local homeschool community for meet ups and socials.
I've heard some distance ed schools are.very religious so I'd look into that. Also that.you can get fees waived/discounted for anxiety, look into that as well.
I looked into this for my anxious kid the other year and in the end after much research i realised that taking him out of school would make his anxiety much worse in the long run instead of helping him to work through it and learn how to manage it. Maybe he needs extra support teachers and help? Has he got a diagnosis asd,adhd or anything like that? Look into "special school" in your area and see if they can help. It sounds like the school is just trying to off load the problems on to you. You also need to think of your own mental health. Alot of kids will try and have a free reign and not do the work they are told too as your not a teacher in the room. It can be really draining on the whole family. Good luck!