What do other single parents do when they feel mentally and physically burnt out and feel like they have no help and support?I have five children,the youngest 10months and still breastfeeding despite trying to wean.That means I get maybe 4 hrs sleep a night and it’s starting to take its toll on me physically and mentally.
4 Replies
Do they go to their dads place? I found unless my kids dad, my family or I hired a babysitter (and yes I went without so I could afford a baby sitter on the SPP) I didn’t ever get anytime to myself. I really wish my ex would step up and start having his kids in the holidays so I could have some couple time with my partner but the idea is actually laughable. He hasn’t seen his kids practically all year. Sometimes I just wanted to throw myself in front of a truck (obviously I never did) other times I just shut myself in my room and hoped I didn’t come out to a warzone.
I did find myself a counsellor which helped but every mumma needs some here time. Good Luck x
I really needed day care.
I used daycare. I has no option, I was tired, emotionally drained and zombie like. After gaining a few hrs sleep during the day, after a month I could function again.
You have to get a break. It will cost you but it's so important, it won't be as often or as long as you deserve and should have for self care, but some is better than none, so make it happen.