I dont really know what i want from this but here i go... Im depressed. I hate my life. I am so mentally and emotionally exhausted, i cry most of the day and night. Some days i wonder if im better off not here. I have no intention of suicide, i have 2 amazing kids that keep me going. But I still wonder.
Ive been to councilling. Found no help there. I cant afford anti depressants. My husband is retraining because he cant find work in his industry or its minimal hours as a casual. I had a job, but got made redundant the day before i was to return from maternity leave. We had a second child (husband was working full-time and life was good). Our second child has a rare chronic disease and is in and out of hospital. So at the moment i cant go back to work. I was trying to work from home but that's been unsuccessful.
We are struggling to stay afloat. Trying to pay for everything (we pay all bills fortnightly) as well as medical bills for our baby (disease is not recognized by NDIS, and only about half the treatments are on medicare). Plus my husbands training. He is trying so hard to get secure work, its heartbreaking to see him struggle.
Now we have just found out that our house is being sold but owners want to renovate first. So now we have to move out by the end of January. With absolutely no savings. We dont get the housing bond loan because we have the rediculous robo debt hanging over our heads because my husband worked casually and they have income averaged for the year instead of looking at what he actually earnt. We reported correctly and have pay slips to prove it but we are waiting for them to process it. We have already gone to the ombudsman. We have nowhere to go.
My husband and I take turns eating. Our kids ALWAYS have food, we eat their left overs. After bills are paid, and our kids get their bits, we are lucky to have enough left over for travel money for my husband to get to TAFE.
We have been to food bank, charities, etc. Charities around here are stretched to the limit. DV, substance abuse, single families and homeless get priority. There is a lot of that around here, so there isnt a whole lot left.
Rentals are hard to find, there are a lot of people looking for homes and not a lot around. Most rentals around here are getting sold. This makes them expensive. We have to stay in the area due to our baby's treatments.
I just want to curl up and die.
We sold our couch, washing machine, and our bed base to pay for our baby's medical treatments. Ive been hand washing everything for almost a year. Cant afford nils loan.
Forget Christmas. We cant do anything. We will be lucky to have toast to eat. My kids wont get any presents. My oldest is 6 so they will be devastated (Christmas is huge in my family, so they will feel it).
I feel like ive failed. Failed as a mum. Failed as a wife. Failed as a person.
I dont know what to do. Everywhere we turn there is a road block and i cant see a way through
27 Replies
I am so sorry you are going through this. I wish there was something I could do or say to help you. I have a rare disease not recognised and it is extremely exhausting and expensive and unless you’ve experienced it, you will not understand how hard it actually is. You are right too - there is not enough help out there for rare disease. You sound like an amazing warrior mum! Be kind to yourself, I am sure you are doing the best you can with what you have been dealt.
What area do you live in?
OP here: im about 1 hour south of Perth, WA
Could you ask some local churches if they are putting on Christmas lunch? Please send me a private message on facebook. I would like to send you some colouring in books & textas for your children for Christmas.
I'm from Perth. Please PM me id love to help. I'm happy to travel to you to drop some pressies off for your kiddies.
Hi hun,
I am an hour & 15mims south of Perth, please Pm me I would love to help. Or welcome to come over for a coffee x
How do we get things to you??
So many generous offers on the Facebook thread.
You need to make an appointment with a Centrelink social worker to arrange financial support.
NDIS is not granted by diseases or condition with early intervention. They consider the impact the condition has on the everyday functioning. Call then again regarding early intervention. There are supports you should be receiving.
Google food banks in your area and attend every one of them if you have to.
And contact Hillsong Perth and they will help you with gifts for the kids and food
And look into withdrawal of super under hardship provisions
I am so sorry you are going through this. Can you visit your local Salvos and ask to speak to a counselor - explain the situation and see if they can gift you a washing machine at the very least, and hopefully help make a plan for you to help you cope. I'm disappointed substance abuse gets priority over medical hardship :(
While you are looking for a new rental can you look closer to your treatment facility and out of the current area, so there is more support for you via medical and charity resources? You sound like you and hubby and both doing everything you can. I'm proud of you - and I've never met you! Hugs
Please go and look at the comments to your question on the facebook page. Lots of offers of help ox
Hi, please PM your address, would love to send something to help you guys out. Biggest hugs mumma x
This breaks my heart mumma. You are AMAZING. Hubby is awesome.
Keep breathing.
This thread makes me happy. Can you please set up a parcel collect at your local post office so we can send pressies for you and your family! Each one might not be much, but when joined, it will make a difference.
Also, if you set up the parcel collect, you don't give your actual address. ;)
Love and big hugs mumma xxxc
Poster. Can you please go to the facebook feed of this and read the support offered and reach out please
You are amazing mumma and hubby to hopefully this hard time will pass by soon I would love to help you out with Christmas please let me know a way I can help x you are not alone in this x
My darling you will come through this and when you do you will be even more stronger than you are now. Sounds like you do have everything covered and are doing a great job at managing such a crappy time sent your way. Find a way to give yourself a break, no matter how small it may seem... enjoy a shower, smell the roses. Hang in there xx
If you can let me know your address, or if you have to move, an address that I can reliably send to.. I will purchase a new washing machine for you, and arrange to have it delivered.
Wow!!!! You are incredibly generous! What an amazing offer. I really hope the poster gets in contact with everyone offering help!
Please please look on facebook at the comments on your post! Everyone wants to send you gifts for Christmas, money and their help and support. Please let us all know your details (can privately message people on facebook if you want and nobody will share your details). Please accept all our help.. it is the least we can do for you xx
OP here: i am absolutely blown away from all the responses on my thread. I didnt think complete strangers would care so much. Ive been in (happy) tears just from reading all the love. Thankyou all from the bottom of my heart.
So many want to donate gifts, money n food. But need someone ow somewhere to drop them.
Can you contact someone to do this.
I’m an hour south of perth. Happy to help if we can get some info
OP so many of us want to help you in anyway we can, could you please PM your details to the admins, so we can all make sure you and your family have a well deserved, stress free, happy christmas. Alot of us know how shit this time of year can be but taking your circumstances into account, you deserve to be chilled and happy on xmas day :) the only thing i would ask, is when your back on your feet, you pay it forward, help someone out when they need it in anyway you can :) i truely hope you have an extremely happy christmas, and know that things can only get better :)
Please provide details of how we can help. More than happy to buy a Christmas presents for the children or send vouchers for coles/Woolworths for food.
Please provide details of how we can help. More than happy to buy a Christmas presents for the children or send vouchers for coles/Woolworths for food.
Happy to help - please provide an update.
Happy to help - please provide an update.
Please pm me I would love
To gift you and yours family some gift cards and your children some toys 💕