I wanted to ask here before I embarrass myself at the doctor.
But I feel pregnant! My breasts are hard and swollen, I keep throwing up and I am so exhausted I have to day nap!!
I’ve taken 5 pregnancy tests since October and all were negative!
My husband and I had unprotected sex on my period in September, and then I missed my period in October. I took a test a week after I was late and it was negative.
The thing is, I had an unusually heavy period in November, so here’s me thinking I’m DEFINITELY not pregnant. But I keep throwing up in the morning. (I’ve had HG in all my other pregnancies).
My question is, is this possible? Like, I assume not, but I kind of want to get a blood test to be really sure and I wanted to hear if it’s even a slim possibility that’s happened to someone else before I go see my GP.
Also FYI, I have 2 under 2 and I DO NOT want to be pregnant so I’m really hoping I am not pregnant but it’s just weirding me out
3 Replies
You won't be embarrassing yourself at the doctor at all, if it's not pregnancy causing these symptoms then something else is and it needs to be looked at! I have had false negatives before but I don't think I've had 5 in a row. There are some pretty crap tests out there too so if you're using the same brand it might pay to use a different more expensive one. I have also had 3 under 3 so if you are pregnant don't stress, you can do this! Good luck, get your butt to the doctor!
I’ve been so panicked about the thought of pregnancy that I tricked my body into pregnancy symptoms.
You won’t be embarrassing yourself, it’s always best to get checkedby your GP.
This happened to me just a few weeks ago exactly the same symptoms word for word the same except i took 4 tests 3 were negative and one was positive! So i went to the doc and explained it she sent me for bloods that came back the next morning negative!
I’ve still got all the same symptoms and Ive just today been surprised (out of whack) another weird period. Last “period” i had was 1st November that lasted 2 days prior to that I’ve always been regular on the 17th of the month lasting 5 days.
Best to go get checked and get some bloods done for a few things and not just pregnancy ....i need to do the same!