I'm desperate for help hormone wise!
Sorry it's a little long I'm trying to include details which are probably important.. Sorry if I ramble. Lol.
I had my tubes removed in March last year but basically had been pregnant since 2016 and was reasonably normal hormone wise in the couple months break between #2 and #3.. Had a couple month break after #3 till I had my tubes tied and things seemed a bit messed up with my cycle and moods but nothing to bad as I just had a baby. Iv also got some mental health issues after having babies so I'm sure all this impacts me even more and I'm trying to deal with it and have a mental health plan ect.. however my biggest issue is my hormones when ovulating..
My cycle is all over the place still and some months I ovulate twice and my period comes when it feels like it. But when I ovulate I break through bleed lightly aswell. It's all round hell and most painful when I ovulate. But anyway I'll get to my point.
The 2 days and especially day prior to ovulating my mood is actually soooo bad! It's effecting not only myself but my kids and anyone around me in those days. I'm not this bad when I get my period.. Yesterday I realised I have a massive issue with it. It's actually turning me into a full blown crazy to the point I almost admitted myself to hospital because I was scared of hurting myself (previously was a cutter in my teens) or possibly hurt someone else (no I'm not going to go on a murderous rampage haha I mean more like smack someone in the face hurt or emotional badly hurt and I'm not a violent person I hate confrontation but the rage was strong if that makes sense?) or running away and leaving my kids with how crazy I got. I usually walk off and calm down when I get really angry and ask for space but yesterday I would have fought anyone who was willing.. I just felt sooo crazy and thank god I don't have a partner cause no doubt some manly bad habbit or something ridiculous would have had me throw his shit on the front lawn haha. 😂 (I feel like I have to stay single to spare some poor bastard from my monthly crazy right now Hahahaha)
Thankfully didn't fight anyone but I broke down after my toddler had like the biggest tantrum which I'm sure was fed off my mood and me having to walk off and leave him upset and my eldest embraced me in the biggest hug when I broke down and started crying saying how sorry I was for being such a horribly mum cause I was quite nasty and took out my mood on them by yelling lots and swearing and needing space.. (beating myself up cause mum guilt is so real) ðŸ˜
But now I'm so scared what if next month is worse. I don't want to be a horrible person or admit myself to hospital over my crazy hormones thinking I've lost the plot!
I'm totally back to normal today now I'm actually ovulating which is ridiculous, so I know it's completely hormone related and I'm not actually crazy..
But I can't take the pill or any synthetic hormones cause they send me crazy with how hormone sensitive I am so I'm at a loss how to prevent this happening again and every month!?
I know nothing that stops ovulating except the pill, injections, implanon ect which I can't have any form of synthetic hormones and having ovaries removed which I know is not going to happen. Haha.
It's completely ruining my life and all the progress I make with my mental health.
The doctors say my hormones are all normal, iron, thyroid ect all normal.. Iv had complete work over and nothing is apparently medically wrong. Which is just frustrating AF!
Please does anyone have a magic cure or something that has helped them with hormone related crazy?
Iv tired evening primrose and it helps a little but also makes my skin really oily. Happy hormones is super expensive and not affordable..
I'm a sole parent with no help at all so I can't even get anyone to watch my kids for those days to spare them from the horrible person I become. ðŸ˜
Anyways others embrace the crazy and strategies to deal with it to make it not so bad? Lol..
Please no negative.. I'm already beating myself up and feeling guilty.. Can't believe I felt like that 😳
I also don't need mental health advice as you can read it's hormones and I'm already all over my mental health and will be back to the gp yet again to complain about my hormones.
This month was a bad one and I'm scared I'm getting worse by the month 😣
4 Replies
You could have a more severe type of PM's, I think it's known as ppms. I've had it also, and for me I had to take antidepressants to help deal with the rage and feelings of self harm. I wish you the best because it is absolutely horrible. I did get better though, it took months though.
Premenstrual disphoric disorder (PMDD) - look it up. My friend had it and ended up with a radical hysterectomy as she nearly wanted to kill herself every cycle. I'm similar but it's controlled ok with anxiety meds.
Thanks ladies I did a Google and I think your right. I'm currently not medicated but was a few months ago for anxiety. The meds didn't work as well for me anymore but worked amazing when I was pregnant and prior to. I definitely wasn't this bad on them though so maybe I need to go back on them and see how I go. It's so frustrating. Being a women is hard! Lol.
I have this problem. Magnesium tablets help to an extent. Not completely but they do make a difference