Long story short. I had a baby 7 months ago to my fiance of 5 years. I have an 8 year old to a previous partner. My fiance is a blokey bloke. Just like his dad. But since we welcome our child together, it's gotten to the point that he is negative all the time to my son. I've tried talking to him about the situation, but apparently he takes it as attacking him. My son thinks the world of him, but I can see he is getting more and more upset with him and his behaviour has changed. I could come up with excuse after excuse as to my fiances behaviour but at the end of the day I feel like I'm stuck. He dotes over his 'biological child but feels like my son can not do anything right. Deep down I think I know what I have to do but I'm asking for help to safe this relationship before that step? Is there hope at the end of the tunnel? How do I get it across that they need a better relationship or that's it? Thanks
Step father and son relationship
Step father and son relationship
Posted in:
Relationships & Marriage, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Kids
3 Replies
Tell him exactly that! If he doesn't grow up you are leaving, that's not fair for your son to get treated like that.
Be honest. Don't forget that when our babies are young we imagine they will be perfect whereas your 8 year old won't be.... because he's human. Your fiance might just be in a learning phase. You can't let it go on forever though.
Leave now! LEAVE NOW! It will NEVER STOP it will never change and it will ESCALATE! Sons are so different to daughters in this situation, violence is more likely and as they age the violence between a step father and step son could become life threatening!
Just go and safe your kid so much future damage.