Aggressive/violent teenager

Anon Imperfect Mum

Aggressive/violent teenager

I have a 14 year old daughter that is diagnosed since the age of 7 with ASD, ADHD, ODD and anxiety. She has always been a very difficult child never responding to the standard parenting techniques. At the age of 11 we moved interstate and the teenage hormones hit and her aggression became more heightened, I reached out for help as I will a single mother with an older daughter and a younger son as well. I was just given parenting strategies which honestly made me feel like they were not listening to me as I know 100% I am a good parent - not perfect far from it but a good mum, the kids get their needs filled and also receive consequences for bad behaviour, no drug or alcohol issues etc. My oldest daughter moved out not long after 18 as she had trouble dealing with her sisters behaviour. I continued to seek help thru a paed trying medication etc. nothing worked. I finally snapped and couldn’t cope and relinquished my care to child safety for 28 days to have a break - I don’t get any help have kids 24/7. Long story shorter after relinquishing my care a few times and working out that child safety was actually not the best place for her as they weren’t looking after her mental health but rather letting her do whatever she wanted as long as it didn’t cause them any issues. Her behaviour was getting worst. She is currently in my care and has been for a few months it’s been up and down constantly. Just lately she is refusing to go to school and making life at home unbearable. Doesn’t get her way become abusive, kicks holes in my walls. Just recently she is refusing to eat with us and once I have finished cleaning up after dinner she then cooks and leaves all the dirty dishes and refuses to clean them. I give up and just clean them because I know it will be an argument and they still won’t get done. Then when I turned the tv off because she refused to answer a question about going to school and advised she could have the remote back once she can answer me but instead she advised that I had 5 mins to give it back or she will smash all the tvs. I ignored her threat and she began by throwing the Foxtel remote at my head twice. I locked myself in my room and called police as she tried to smash my bedroom door down. She got in thru another door (bathroom is 2 way) so I got my son and left the house to the police arrived. Police say they can’t help it’s a parenting issue and the damage to my door I can put a report thru online but because she is 14 nothing will happen. However, for some reason the ambulance attended and they tried to talk to my daughter and it ended in her attacking them so they took her to hospital for the night. Nothing was done at the hospital and I had to collect her in the morning even though I begged them to have her assessed and medicated so she is more calmer. This brings me to today. I suspended Foxtel as she is refusing to go to school and I don’t want to enable this behaviour. She got angry at me and demanded Foxtel be put back on because I refused she took the remote for my bedroom tv and turned the tv her 4yr old brother was watching off (which made him quite upset - he was up late the night before lack of sleep) also has ASD. After I wrestled with her to get the remote back, she proceeds to throw her tv remote at my head and pushed my door off it’s rail (sliding door). My son was so frightened crying uncontrollably he said mum can you call the police. I took him and left in the car as I called an organisation that is there to provide help - they just state to call police however, police say they are unable to assist no crime has been committed. I didn’t honestly know what to do as I just felt lost that I can’t believe that my 14 yr old can be this way and there is nothing that can be done. I am in a domestic violent relationship but it’s with my child and there are no laws to protect me or my son from this abuse. Tonight I could not handle another night of this abuse so I am staying in a motel with my son. I left my daughter in my home by herself. I told her therapist and he was going to check on her. I feel so alone, I’m too embarrassed to tell anyone as I feel that I have shared to much previously with friends and cause it is always drama they pull away - honestly don’t blame them. I know my daughter is struggling with some type of mental condition but no one is listening to me about it and she doesn’t engage with therapist for them to try and treat. If she got the help needed I’m sure things would be much more manageable I have tried for years with no success. I am now thinking is it best to relinquish my care permanently even though I know in my heart it’s not the best thing for her but actually will be the worst (I would most likely become depressed from doing this as well cause I don’t really want to) or do I sacrifice my son being constantly traumatised and keep her at home also probably come depressed as it really takes a toll on me. Ideally she should be placed in a therapeutic housing so that she receives ongoing therapy to help her to manage her behaviours and be able to be a contributing member of society funded by NDIS but unfortunately this option isn’t available. As a parent what would you do? I need honest and direct responses - I can handle them. Note : Father is unable to have her (DV and drug addict)

Posted in:  Mental Health, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Teenagers, Aspergers & Autism

12 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

What about the school? Could they advocate for you? Have you sought support through them? Just trying to think outside the box. Headspace, I guess you’ve tried them over the years? When she throws a violent fit, could you call an ambulance and tell them she has threatened suicide? Lie, so they take it seriously. Or say something along the lines that she’s threatened to kill her sibling. I know when I’ve been involved in mental health, the first thing they ask is if you’ve thought about harming yourself or others. They take those threats serious. I know what I’m saying is dishonest, but I can feel you angst, it’s at a point where I think you’ll do anything to get her the help she needs.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Where are you located? Does she have NDIS funding? Medication? Sorry if I’ve missed it in the post

Anon Imperfect Mum

You poor mama. I am sending you all the hugs. I couldn't even imagine how you're feeling and I'm sure your heart is so broken for everyone involved. Is there any mental health facilities that she can be detained in and be institutionalized? I dont have any experience with this but I would think as her guardian you would be able to have the power to have her forcably admitted? Everyone's mental health is so important but she needs to realise that she needs to accept the help. Life as an adult for her is not going to be enjoyable if she continues on this way. :(
I truly hope you find a solution very soon.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Has she been seen by a child psychiatrist?

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is she medicated?? Look I know medication isn’t for everyone. My daughter has ADHD and she knows the medications helps her focus and concentrate and helps her behaviour and me not getting cross at her for behaviour she can’t control when she’s not on her medication.

She’s 7 (my daughter) . I’m just wondering if you’ve tried everything over the years to make your situation easier. Like I hope you have, but you haven’t mentioned medication at all. And behaviour like this something has got to give.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She did try medication. It was hard to spot!

Anon Imperfect Mum

Everyone has suggested my suggestions. But i would also stop leaving my own house and start kicking her out whe shes having an episode.

Anon Imperfect Mum

When she’s calm sit her down and explain everything, how you love her but this can’t continue. It’s agree to get help or out the door.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Stay strong, as it will get better..
Your daughter needs a therapeutic intervention with professionals and assistance with patenting a child with a dual diagnosis. My daughter has the same diagnosis and has seen multiple professionals since the age of 8. Never give up parenting and nurturing your child, they are suffering through this also. With the impacts of trauma as well this can re wire the brain and unable to function which results in meltdowns and violent outbursts. I would recommend an adolescent mental health team including a pediatrician to oversee and potentially child psychiatrist. Medication, therapy and holistic approach is needed. I work in the system and trust me you do not want her in care or a refuge/ out of home care facility. She is not able or ready to live independently. I wish you and your family all the best in this difficult journey. Keep asking for help for you and your daughter.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I'd be sending her to a home, I'd be thinking of the younger child and our safety first.

Leave DHS to work through the issues and get her help. It's not something you can manage but obviously it's something that they can probably do better than you.

If she's in a group home, I am not entirely sure how teens with high needs and aggression are managed, I doubt they are fostered? Then there would be some structure.

You will still be her mum, but I am sure her being with DHS is better than seriously hurting you or your younger child and ending up in jail.

Anon Imperfect Mum
Cathy Sinsabaugh

Hi I have a 14-year-old son he is violent as well he has threat to hurt me he has kicked out my china cabinet he has to kick me push me throws thing out me he spit in my face he has run away twice I have called the cops 3 Times no help form them he has in-home service counseling 3 times and outpatients counsel no help know I am trying to get him to admit tomorrow through mental health services hospital plus I live with my dad and he is violent to him he has ADHD odd my son I need help
