Failing as a parent

Anon Imperfect Mum

Failing as a parent

I’m a single working mum. I have 2 daughters and a son.
My oldest daughter is nearly 14 and seems intent on destroying me.
She attacks me.
She has reported me for abusing her- so I had to install cameras to prove my innocence.
I am constantly berated and intimidated, threatened, harassed.
I have no life.
I can’t go anywhere as she is horrible if she isn’t the centre of attention.
I have tried everything you can think of and suggested to me by councillors and specialist.
My question is- what do you do when you no longer love the person your daughter has become?
I don’t want to come home.
I’m anxious and depressed .
The other kids are scared and try to defend me.
I have to hide all the time as my very being here makes her mad.
I even had to call the police to stop her from hurting me.
Please tell me I’m not alone? That it gets better?
Maybe I am the problem?
Maybe I just need to leave?
I have some support, but I can’t really bring anyone else into this hell that I’m living.
I’m really lonely and feel so trapped.

Posted in:  Self Care, Parenthood Guilt, Behaviour, Teenagers, Tips and Advice

9 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

Is Dad in the picture? Could he be brainwashing/grooming her to be like this? I ask because my ex tried it with my kids and one of them accused me of being abusive too but it was all things that had been blown up by his Dad. You're not the problem at all, you need to just not put up with any shit, which is easier said than done I know. At the moment she's able to be dominant because you're letting her. If it is Dad doing this then send her to him, you and your other kids can't live your life being scared of her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Wow, dad wasn’t even mentioned but somehow it’s his fault 😂

Anon Imperfect Mum

Well wow, sorry but this is what i went through and Dad was at fault. The child is acting like a child that has been groomed so excuse me for thinking someone may be grooming her.

Anon Imperfect Mum

I was a lot like this women’s child at the same age. It had nothing to do with my father, it had everything to do with my mother being a horrible person that could take responsibility for how much of terrible person/mother she was and blamed everybody else for how crap her life was. It’s not always the fathers fault

Anon Imperfect Mum

Maybe you could read the post again, the daughter is being abusive which is not normal teenage behaviour. If you were like that then I hope you got help.

Anon Imperfect Mum

She needs a mental health plan.
Take her to a GP appt ASAP.
This behaviour will only escalate without help.
She needs boundaries, consequences and you need to rule out underlying issues.

Anon Imperfect Mum

Thank God for a sensible response 🙌

Anon Imperfect Mum

Get her into the system, and have her removed from your home from a while as once they are system removed, they get all the help they need. Harsh but true because I've been there. She can come home one day again when she's well. Even if it's not for many months.

Anon Imperfect Mum

People don’t act like this for no reason. What is the WHOLE story!
