My ex and I have recently finished mediation. Due to my work schedule Friday 2 till 9 get home at 10pm, Saturday 6am -10am home 11/11.30 Sunday 10am till 1.30pm. I'm still on probation and very happy with my role. I was having my 2 boys (12 &14) every 2nd and 3rd weekend plus all school holidays. Now I have them 1 day a week Thursday night's and all school holidays. I'm lost as to how I can get more time with my kids. My kids live 40mins away from me. The only day I can take school is Friday morning as my girls 7 and 2 are at daycare. Can anyone offer ideas?
4 Replies
A lot will depend on there schooling situation, where you live, and what the boys want (due to there age) at this point. Do you live close enough to the boys school to have them for more weekdays? Do the boys have extra curricular that need to be worked around?
Do you mean more time as in more days in your care, or do you mean spending more time with them when they are in your care?
If you wanted more days you should have asked for it during mediation, I'm not sure what you can do now.
Is Sunday 1.30am or pm? And saturday 6am or pm? That's enough time to make it valuable and you sort then out while you work. Most parents do work it's ok to have them in your care and work.
so you don't work monday-thursday? couldn't you have them some of that time and take them too and from school/daycare. attend school things, take them to a movie? i think the key with kids of any age is consistency. set up something that works and stick to it kids need and thrive with routine. Can you change jobs to get more regular business hours so you can see the kids more? or is there a relationship issue that prevents flexibility?