I have a wedding to go to in Scotland in May. I'm worried that there will be travel restrictions in place due to Corona virus. I have a 3yo and am wondering if I should cancel my tickets. What would anyone else do?
I have a wedding to go to in Scotland in May. I'm worried that there will be travel restrictions in place due to Corona virus. I have a 3yo and am wondering if I should cancel my tickets. What would anyone else do?
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7 Replies
I would go! Scotland!!!! I wouldn't travel on a China airline and I wouldn't stopover in any country that's affected which seems to be a few in Asia at this point.
Our flight stops over in Dubai so not sure of the risk there
Seems ok for now. Play it by ear a lot will change by then. I'd say go until you're told not to.
The most worrying thing for me would be the flight, that long couped up with so many people.
At this stage... yes I would go. Scotland is not affected yet.
I would go because Scotland is my favourite place and I would love to go back with or without Corona Virus 😂. I do understand your concerns though, it is a crap time to be travelling with a young child. Are there going to be a lot of different nationalities at the wedding? What relationship do you have with the bride and groom? Can you afford to have up to a month off work on top of your holiday in case you and your child do get sick? May is also the start of their tourist season so there will be a lot more people coming into the country. These are the things I would be weighing up before deciding to go.
Most of the people at the wedding will be either Scottish or Australian. It's my brother's wedding so really don't want to miss it. I don't mind taking extra time off work, I'm not actually worried about getting the virus as it hasn't been overly serious in young kids, I'm just worried about travel restrictions we may face along the way
I've been following the updates as we were supposed to go to Japan next month. We're cancelling for mostly logistical reasons (risk of cancelled flights, unpredictable government actions etc.), but a lot of people are still going & loving it. It's personal choice. I'm afraid no one can make that decision for you.
I wouldn't make a decision until mid-April. The UK is only midly affected atm & you really don't know what will happen by then. There's no way to tell. I know it's stressful having to wait, but it won't make any difference cancelling your tickets now or in 4 weeks time.
Sign up for Smart Traveller updates, keep an eye on what the UK is doing & set a date to decide - as close to departure/cancellation deadlines as possible. Try not to worry too much before then. And don't buy into media hysteria.
Maybe the availability of loo paper is a good indication of a country's mindset... Japan is scarce, so if UK is fine then yay!