What measures do you have in place for disciplining your ADHD child.
My son is 8yrs old, although he has been professionally diagnosed with ADHD his behaviour has been somewhat manageable. Until recently! Having him home from school has thrown a major spanner in the works! His doing things that have never been condoned and has a rather "so what" kind of attitude when you pull him up for his behaviour. If he doesn't stop, we send him to his room and oh my, he has a melt down, you think it was the end of the world.
Do I just stand my ground! Warning, then to his room, ignore his meltdown.
Disciplining an ADHD child
Disciplining an ADHD child
Posted in:
Mental Health, Behaviour, Kids
2 Replies
No solution but i feel you. My 7 year old is the same. Has ADHD and since he has been home its been a nightmare. All I can think of is his normal routine is out the window which is causing his to act out. I have picked my battles, some I will stick to routine and send him to his room and other times I have just tried to sit and chat to him about how hes feeling and why he is acting this way. I have also put in place that he spends at least 15-20 mins outside every 1.5-2hrs the last couple of days which has helped. Sometimes he spends ages out there but i think breaking the day up so hes not doing 1 thing for too long is helping.
Stay strong
We do a time out chair in plain sight of me or him with back against the wall. Then we discuss the behaviour and how it made me or someone else feel and why it wasn’t acceptable. Then we move on and don’t discuss it again because his mind just doesn’t process it the same way to bang on about it :)