Hi mums,
My Bub is 11 weeks old, and has just started to suck in air when feeding. Makes noise like when you slurp soup from a spoon
Any ideas why?
The only think I can think of is because he’s a big baby maybe my positioning has changed to accomodate? He does it in every position I’ve tried though
He’s a big comfort sucker and now he’s getting so worked up and fussy that it’s making things difficult
Thanks xx
5 Replies
Has him assessed for ties :)
Assessed by 2 doctors, both negative - it was oral thrush High up in the gum line
Oral thrush?
You were right
Assessed by 2 doctors, one said negative the other agreed - it was oral thrush High up in the gum line
Is the teat flow too slow. Try a faster teat. He may be over sucking trying to get more.