I work full time, my family support network all work full time . . . I have a son, I’m torn as to whether I quit my secure full time job, that I can’t do from home, or send my son to school once the school holidays finish??? What would you do????
I work full time, my family support network all work full time . . . I have a son, I’m torn as to whether I quit my secure full time job, that I can’t do from home, or send my son to school once the school holidays finish??? What would you do????
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19 Replies
Send him to school. You and your family are the reason schools still open - because there are those whose jobs are still needed and can't be done from home. If you are still lucky enough to still have a job, keep it.
We're in VIC, school went back this week. I'm still working. Hubby also went back to work, albeit on reduced hours. Our daughter will be at school some days over the next month or so, we have no family support and we want to keep our jobs. School have advised that out of 600 students, around 30-40 are going on a daily basis. They are adhering to social distancing, keeping a max of 10 kids per class and basically supervising kids as they access online learning. There is very little risk.
Id send him to school
Stay at work, send your kid to school.
If you are a stay at home parent, you are financially set for life but work for fun, I’d advise differently.
We are keeping our kids home, because we can and that makes your kid safer.
How exactly is a stay at home parent set for life?
I read it as if the OP was a SAHM who was financially secure and had chosen to work when they didn't need to...
6 billion people in Australia. 2600 odd active cases of covid 19 I'm Australia. Keep your job. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/australia/
6 billion people in Australia? Lol
24.9 million in 2018
You might want to adjust that figure.
The current population of Australia is 25,438,356 as of Friday, April 17, 2020, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
Keep your job and send him to school.
Keep your job!
Definitely keep your job, hands down .
Schools are still open because of the needs of essential parents like yourself. So use them. The risk is more to do with the teachers any way, not the students.
Yes, send him. Mine are home because I am, but if I was working they'd be going to school.
Some local private schools have invited ALL kids back to class next week as cases here are almost zero. I personally think it all should be going back. (QLD)
Send him to school. Your job must be essential, don't quit it. Everyone else who isn't essential, is keeping their kids at home, so that people such as you, have the option to send your kid to school because you need to.
My son goes to a primary school with just over 900 students and they've been having around 100 students attending the past three days since school went back.. (those 100 students are from essential working homes) and it's much easier for the school to limit the spread ect ect with 100 rather then 900.
The things that helped me decide were low cases in my local area, my kids ages and the size of our school. My kids are year 10 and 11, we have one active case in our area (rural) and our school is fairly small so that makes it easier for staff to spot sick kids and hopefully send them home. I think its important to think of all these things before deciding to send your child to school because some areas have a high number of cases and it will be a high risk that it will spread through the local schools in those areas. My kids are also old enough to remember social distancing and hygiene. If you do want to stay home have a chat to your employer to see what they can do for you, they might surprise you. Short term financial pain is better than potentially getting ill and having to stop work anyway, remembering that every cold etc that your kid gets will probably get them sent home anyway.
this is a simple answer, keep your son at school and keep your job. cases are very low in oz, risk is low and you have work. once you quit it might be years before you get new employment.
I'm a primary school teacher here in NSW. I have been part of the team doing supervision of the children who are at school. I just want you to know that with the kids I have at school we are following all procedure, obviously we want to be safe and healthy as well as keep our students safe and healthy. I know it's a very stressful time, but us teachers are here to help. All laptops/desks/chairs/surfaces where disinfected after each session. I'm sure it's cleaner than most homes. All children are spaced using the social distancing guidelines. Please try not to stress. Don't quit your job for this, we are doing so many different things to help keep your children safe.
Good luck
Wonderful answer from a wonderful teacher ❤️
Thank you for what you’re doing, a lot of teachers won’t do it.