going back to uni!

Anon Imperfect Mum

going back to uni!

Hi All!
I am a Disability Support Worker and am looking to move in to management, I have a Cert 4 in Disability Work and a Dip in Community Services but am seriously considering going back to Uni!
Would love to hear what all of you think about the different online universities and your experiences, specifically those that have done Social Work courses.

Posted in:  Education

1 Replies

Anon Imperfect Mum

I enrolled in a Bachelor of Social Work through UniSA last year. The majority of the course I can complete externally although there are a few subjects that have workshops that I have to attend. There’s also two units of placement in third and fourth year. I’m a stay at home mum with young children, previously worked in childcare, and am really enjoying it. If it’s what you want to do then go for it!
